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Life coaching
“Dreams are not those which comes while we are sleeping, but dreams are those when you Don't
sleep before fulfilling them”. Dr Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
IzzieCoach©, life coaching programs, is a composition of twelve sessions (or as required),
where you the client explore your holdbacks, overcome them, define your goals, visualise
them, manifest them, explore your own way to achieve them, fulfilling your dreams,
achieving your desires.
The process is thorough and allows the clients to use it in every area of their life, and at any
time, whereas fulfilling some aspects of your life promote you to improve others, or even
create a new one.
Coaching is great! It allows you to learn about yourself, about the ways you can stop
sabotaging your life, and start living them to the fullest. No holdbacks, experience
transformation that will a have profound effects on you virtually in every aspect of your life.
Once realising you have no limits, you can then enjoy the ability to wake up to your life and
shape them as you like.
“Get the push you need to:
- Get inspired see the opportunities around you and grab them with both hands.
- Embrace the unknown, overcome life's obstacles and challenge expectations.
- Live out your dreams and be your authentic self
- Climb out of the rut and take part in the world around you.” Southall 2014
What's making us different to others is our ability to use also untraditional coaching
methodologies and techniques that enhance your experience and therefore your results.
With us you will achieve greater results.
Business Coaching, Career Coaching
“Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The One
you are looking for is you. You are the traveller, and you are the destination. In
Experiencing the ecstasy of your own being, you have achieved the final goal”. Osho, or
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
IzzieCoach© Approach to Business and career coaching is made up from both traditional and
untraditional methods. Exploration of personal treats and holdbacks and overcoming them,
and in doing so, allowing you to manifest your dreams and achieve your personal goals.
Once this stage is completed, we begin exploring the business or the career arena to suit your
needs. However this does not stop there.
As IzzieCoach© possess Human Resources and Training and Development experience as well
as qualifications in these areas we also assist our clients improving their professional
portfolio, that is a review of their resume, their LinkedIn profile and the like.
Job interviews preparation is an available service as well as how to approach potential
employers and marketing themselves properly, to maximise their earning potential.
Izzie Shmukler ©2016 izziecoach©2016 ABN: 99218801525
Melbourne │ Australia| Mob (+61) 040 599 8675 |Mob (+61) 045 0805 729 | |