Page 2 - 2017 Spring Newsletter
P. 2
I am excited for this time in the life of Greater White Stone. I can
see the mighty hand of God moving upon this ministry in a
phenomenal way. God expects our best; he deserves our best at
all times. He has called us and prepared us for such a time as this.
The expansion of ministry requires the Saints to be committed to
Building the Kingdom of God, one Soul at a time. The bible
gives us the knowledge that “The harvest is plentiful, but the
labors are few”. This quarter we launch our evangelistic campaign Each One-Reach One. This
evangelistic campaign is designed to reach the un-churched, those who have walked away,
the forgotten, those who have been hurt, and those that are looking for a loving home.
Ministry cards are available for you to give a personal invite to those in need. Everyone can
help. I encourage you to do your part. Use your social media accounts, and personal invites to
help share the Good News about a loving Savior who loved us so much that He sacrificed His
life so that we could live. Thank God for Jesus Christ.
We Are On The Move For Christ . . . making a difference in the lives of men, women, boys and
girls, offering a holistic ministry that is inclusive of ALL.
An ounce of prevention
(much better than a pound of cure)
Five servings of fruits and vegetables a day
SENIORS AND RETIREES MINISTRY Eight glasses of water a day
The Seniors and Retirees Ministry are hosting a trip to A dozen good friends
Washington, D.C. The trip dates are September 14, 2017 (relatives are okay as well)
through September 20, 2017. Please see Ms. Eloise Banks, 30 minutes of exercise per day
Jerri Haynes or Joyce Murrell for additional details. (any kind of exercise)
One mustard see of faith
Two tablespoons of patience
(add more if you have children)
If you practice these, you will experience the
fullness and richness we all seek.