Page 5 - 2017 Spring Newsletter
P. 5

Youth Ministry Point System

                                                                  In January 2017, GWS youth ministry incorporated the
                                                                  use of the Pastor's point system.  The point's initiative
                                                                  is  used  as  a  monitoring  system,  as  well  as  a  reward
                                                                  system  for  those  youth  actively  involved  in  the
                                                                  ministry.    Points  are  not  just  earned  for  making  the
                                                                  honor roll or citizenship, but also for those struggling
                                                                  students who are experiencing difficulty in school.  The
          point's initiative is a way to encourage our young    people that no matter what happens, we are here to offer that
          extra push.  Youth must submit their report cards in order to begin earning points.  Points are gained each time you
          submit your grades, attend youth fellowship activities, serve on 4th Sunday or at the WOW service.  What do GWS
          youth  earn?    Their  participation  allows  them  the  opportunity  to  attend  the  Grizzlies  games,  Cultural  Events,
          Progressive National Baptist Regional Convention and much more.  So encourage your youth to turn in their report
          card today and become an active part of Youth Living for Christ!!!

          “When the Doors of the Church Open, We Should Walk Out”
          by Guest Contributor Charlene Woodley

          Does the title’s statement sound strange? If so, here’s an explanation that will clear things up with biblical   support,
          and as they say, that’s the God’s honest truth. We as the saints of God are faithful and diligent when it comes to
          showing up at the house of the Lord to praise, worship, and bask in the graceful glory of knowing we’re saved. While
          this is the joy of our strength, it often escapes many of us that it is not our main purpose.
          If we are to let our lights so shine (Matthew 5:16) that others can see the Christ within us, how much light can actually
          permeate society if we are enclosed in the comfort zone that we call ‘church’? How are we to bring more souls to
          Christ if we refrain from taking the same action as He did?
          Our Lord and Savior, though He was God in the flesh, was not known for treating those he called his brethren as if
          they were beneath Him, neither did He treat those outside His circle that way. Of course, His behavior was sometimes
          disturbing to some. (Luke 7:36-50)
          Put plainly, our actions really do speak louder than what we speak on a regular basis to prove ourselves as saints,
          when it is so much easier than we realize. With that, as the doors of the church open, we should walk out for the sole
          purpose of being brethren to those whom we see are in need of salvation.
          A wise, pure, and perfect man once said, “Go out into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark
          16:15) Surely, we do not possess the same characteristics mentioned in the description of this man, but if we are to
          strive to be like Him, it must be done humbly. A Christ-like living awaits us all...outside.

          “ Enter to Worship, Exit to Serve”
                                       The  Greater  White  Stone  Missionary  Baptist
                                       Church Scholarship Fund was established in 1999
                 cholarship            under the leadership of Rev. Joseph McGhee, Jr.

                       Ministry        In 2011 the Official Board agreed to rename the
                                       scholarship fund, The Joseph McGhee Scholarship
                                       Fund.  The purpose of the Scholarship Fund is to
          give financial subsidies to supplement the college expenses of the young men and
          women of GWS Church each school year.  Each year, a number of  scholarships
          are given out to some awesome young adults.  We will keep you   updated on the
          success  of  our  recipients.  See  Ms.  Jerlean  Haynes,  or  any  member  of  the
          scholarship ministry for questions and/or applications.
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