Page 15 - 10th JA Asia Pacific COY 2020 Souvenir e-Booklet
P. 15


    In 1975, Junior Achievement of Guam  Achievement - financial literacy,
    was founded by Allen A. Pickens, a  entrepreneurship, and work-readi-
    partner with accounting firm Peat  ness.    It’s exciting to watch student
    Marwick, today known as Deloitte &  companies  continually  expand  their
    Touche LLP.  As president of Rotary  innovation, creativity and technology,
    Club of Guam, Al reached out and  while experiencing day to day busi-
    introduced JA’s experiential hands-on  ness challenges and opportunities.
    After-School Company Program.  Al's  Products continue to  evolved from
    vision,  business  connections, and  days past and simple candy-gram
    belief in the potential of Guam and its  type products into fashion, phone
    people allowed the program to grow  apps,  and  a  multitude  of  social  and
    and thrive long after his retirement  environmentally      conscious    based
    and departure in 1999.                  products.
    As a US  territory,  JA Guam  originally  Many business leaders and entrepre-
    reported to JA USA.  In the late 1990’s  neurs on Guam credit their experi-
    we began participating in Junior  ence in the Company Program as a
    Achievement     -   Canada’s   annual driver of their success today.  It’s also
    student officer event CANJAC.  Finally,   been a win-win for many Company
    ten years ago with the establishment  Program sponsors who see how their
    of JA Asia Pacific, we found a new  advisor staff developing leadership
    home and tribe containing the coun- and business acumen skills them-
    tries of origin of many of our students  selves.     Relationships    created
    and advisors.                           between students, advisors and the
                                            sponsoring company have been a
    Each  school year Guam’s Company  great recruiting ground for Guam’s
    Program attracts anywhere from 7 to  future workforce after graduation.
    18   local   businesses    sponsoring
    student companies of 25 - 30 high  The future looks bright for JA Guam.
    school students.  In 2005, JA Guam  With additional help from Guam
    introduced in-school programs for  Economic Development Agency, JA
    elementary, middle, and high  school  board  is  growing its  capacity  and
    students.  These programs serve an  value in order to create an even bigger
    additional 200 - 600 students annual- impact for our future economy.  We
    ly.   Altogether, Junior Achievement of  will do this by creating a deeper and
    Guam serves on average 650 students  wider presence within our schools,
    per school year.                        expanding our workforce and small
                                            business skills development reach,
    The Company Program remains JA  and the creation of a JA Company
    Guam's  flagship  program  due  to  it  Store.
    teaching  all   three   pillars   of   Junior
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