Page 11 - 2022 Samaritas Impact Report
P. 11

1,301                                                                                   eventually my daughter. I left my
                                                                                                     "I lost my home, my vehicle…and

            persons served                                                                          job of almost seven years. I made
                                                                                                      a pact with my daughter. Right
                                                                                                    before she passed. That I’d be off
                                                                                                        of pain pills and I still haven't
                                                                                                       gone back to them. But then I
              1,002 persons served in our Substance Use Disorder
                                                                                                    started substituting with alcohol. I
                                                                                                       had been living in my car for a
              Largest provider of Trauma Services in Michigan
                                                                                                                little over two years.
                  299 trauma assessments completed

                                                                                                       The Samaritas program is the
                                                                                                       only thing that's been ongoing
           Substance Use Disorder services in Saginaw:                                               and stable in my life. Keeping up
           Samaritas expanded its Substance Use Disorder (SUD) program                              with Samaritas has been the best
           to include a new office in Saginaw located within the First Ward                                                  thing.
           Community Center at 1410 N 12th Street. The new space gives
           Samaritas staff a dedicated area to counsel clients and host its                            If you just have that one good
           newest service for those suffering from the negative outcomes of                          day, or that one good hour, take
           addiction and other mental health issues. These convenient                                advantage of that and reach out
           evening classes are available to Saginaw residents of all ages,                           because once you get your foot
           regardless of their insurance status. Every session has a                                    in the door--you're in. It's not
           maximum of 10 participants, who are guided through an                                      going to be easy. You're gonna
           evidence-based curriculum led by a recovery coach and a case                               want to run and give up. But it's
           manager.                                                                                       worth it because there are

                                                                                                      people that do care and will let
                                                                                                      you know that you do matter.”
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