Page 2 - 2022 Samaritas Impact Report
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                Treasured Samaritas Donors, Partners,             behavioral health services and homes for         serve the less fortunate and bring dignity,
                Volunteers, Clients, Staff and Friends:           persons with disabilities. Through our           hope and healing to those that need it
                                                                  innovative leadership, we are piloting           the most. Thank you for being a part of
                During a time of transformation and               multiple new programs focused on the             the bold, impactful work we do through
                reimagination, it is an honor to serve as         health and well-being of children,               your generous contributions and
                the Interim CEO of Samaritas. I come to           delivering evidence-based substance              advocacy efforts. We are creating ripples
                this position from the Board of Directors,        use disorder services in rural                   of positive change for all those we serve.
                and it has been humbling and inspiring to         communities and developing more
                watch our team's tireless dedication to           affordable housing, including our new            Thank you for your support and care.
                service and see firsthand the impact we           Muskegon Affordable Living community

                are making on our clients’ lives.                 that has now become home for a group             Peace and Blessings
                                                                  of area veterans.                                Dave Morin,  CEO
                For close to 90 years the mission of
                Samaritas has remained steadfast;                 In 2022, we made the decision to divest
                serving people as an expression of the            our senior living communities in order to
                love of Christ. In Michigan’s lower               more fully focus on the areas of child and
                peninsula, we offer many different                family welfare and home and community
                programs that serve the most vulnerable           services. We continue to serve seniors
                including family preservation, foster care,       through our Affordable Living
                adoption, refugee resettlement,                   communities. It remains our privilege to
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