Page 17 - Samaritas Our Hands Winter 2024
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Sprucing up Sequoia Place
Treasuring Christ Church volunteers helped spruce up the grounds and help
residents with gardening at Samaritas Affordable Living Sequoia Place.
Cleaning Supplies for Refugees
St. Paul Lutheran Church of Dearborn donated 30 laundry
baskets of hygiene items and cleaning supplies to newly
arriving refugee families.
Team Samaritas
A mission-
passionate bowling
team names
Ripples of Positive Change themselves Team
Samaritas was featured in the latest edition of Affordable Housing News, the Samaritas and
premier industry publication. Check us out in their online edition! doesn’t Spare a
moment to help
spread the word of
our Striking good
work each week to
their fellow bowlers
in their high-rollers
league at Imperial
Lanes in Clinton
Step Out and Serve
Samaritas’ Family Center was one of the locations for Shepherd’s Gate’s “Step
Out and Serve” Sunday. The team turned weedy patches of ground into Provide a Comfort Kit for children
beautiful gardens for the families to enjoy. entering foster care or receiving a
trauma assessment.
Summer Bash Host a virtual or in-person fundraiser
This summer, two different for Samaritas at your place of work or
churches - Rosedale Gardens
Presbyterian Church in Livonia within your community.
and Holy Trinity Lutheran Collect household and hygiene items
Church in Livonia – each for newly arrived refugees.
brought a day of joy to the
families with an outdoor Teach life skills to teens in a group or
carnival and summer bash! one-on-one setting.
Filling the yard with crafts,
sports, bounce houses, food,
and live entertainment, they To learn how you can get involved with our
gave the children and families a Samaritas programs, contact Opal Maye at
summer to remember.