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The RCPA Foundation is a registered charity which actively invests in fostering research and education within the College Fellowship, offering a number of Grants and Awards each year. The Board of Directors oversees the operation of the RCPA Foundation including fundraising, investment and nancial planning and the administration of all grants, awards and scholarships. Grant and award recipients are selected through a competitive application process, independently assessed by a Grants subcommittee.
I am pleased to report on another successful year for the RCPA Foundation which was supported by donations from Fellows, retired Fellows and the generosity of the RCPA Board of Directors.
We were also delighted by the generosity of our retiring Board member and Chair of the Grants subcommittee, Professor Bev Rowbotham, who has established a new “Pathology Leaders” award to assist Fellows and Trainees in advancing their skills in leadership and management. Our sincere thanks go to Bev for her hard work and ongoing legacy to the Foundation. I would also like to welcome our new Board member and Chair of the Grants subcommittee, Dr Andrew Clouston.
There was a successful targeted campaign to raise funds for a Developing Communities Fellowship which will assist Fellows and Trainees in advancing and promoting pathology education and training in developing communities.
The RCPA Foundation now offers a total of eight awards, all expertly administered with the kind support of the College Board of Directors and staff. On behalf of the Foundation Board, grant recipients and the College, thank you to all our supporters and donors.
Kevin Carpenter
RCPA Foundation