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It’s a two way street, please take advantage of all that is on offer. The College continues to communicate via multiple pathways and is always open to Fellows’ input and comments.
College events/courses:
Pathology Update, and the many courses across the year (see events section in this report)
offer education and interaction.
The Annual General Meeting of the College reviews the previous year, and Annual General Meetings for the States and regions do the same in each area a well as giving Fellows the opportunity to come together.
From time to time the College conducts surveys of Fellows. The survey may require a simple Survey Monkey response or could involve external consultants. Another opportunity to have your say on issues that matter.
Social media:
Increasingly the College has a presence in the social media milieu. You can join in or just view Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
The College may at times communicate with Fellows in regard to contact details, CPD, subscriptions or other matters. The College will not pass on your details to external requestors without asking you rst. If you wish to contact the College on any matter you can phone: 61-2 8356 5858, email:, post: RCPA 207 Albion Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010.
A lot of information is available generally however for full access Fellows need to log in. If your log in is not responding please contact the College. Quite often the main reason for this problem is unpaid subscriptions. If you are in arrears by 6 months, the system will automatically lock you out of access to the database and all publications.
Discipline and other committees are consulted on documents and issues requiring feedback.
ANNUAL REPORT • 2017 - 2018