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                  Pathology Today
Emailed to you fortnightly, Pathology Today provides the latest in College news and includes other items of news as well as regular segments on College events, forthcoming events and job vacancies.
The scienti c journal is 50 years old and the approval rating continues to climb. The journal is best received electronically. Hard copies are available but obviously take longer to arrive,
are more costly and delivery addresses are not always accurate, as evidenced by the high return rate.
Annual Report
Available in hard copy for all RCPA AGM attendees the Annual Report is available on the College website in an easy to access  ip page version.
A monthly eNewsletter is sent to a large external audience including government and department contacts, stakeholders and Fellows. Designed to cover current issues, speci c discipline areas and generally inform on the profession and those who practice in it.
Policy Manual
The College maintains over 300 documents which cover a range of categories including Position Statements, Guidelines, Policies, Terms of Reference and Roles and Responsibilities. It is a living manual in the sense that documents are reviewed and updated every four years (or sooner if required), new documents created
as needed and those no longer needed are rescinded. All Policy Manual documents are available via member login to the website. Updates are approved by the Board of Directors and advised via Pathology Today.

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