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RCPA Events
2 – 4 March 2018, A Bridge to the Future International Convention Centre,
Darling Harbour, NSW
Convenors: Pathology Update Overseeing Committee and the Scienti c Discipline Committees
Pathology Update welcomed 1,400 pathology professionals from all disciplines of pathology
to the annual three day event, a complex conference with seven core discipline program streams, combined sessions, workshops, one hundred and forty-two local speakers, twelve international speakers, over fty session chairs and seven scienti c program committees. Delegates included pathologists, trainees, scientists, administrators and healthcare workers from Australasia and overseas. On offer were discipline speci c scienti c sessions, combined sessions, plenaries for all delegates and masterclasses. Highlights included the Trainees go Digital Masterclass where College trainees from three countries representing four disciplines of pathology kept a large audience engaged
with expertly formulated talks about novel
uses of technology in pathology from clouds to large scale digital imaging to Twitter as a study aid to scheduling Apps for education sessions and meetings and the untapped versatility of the mobile phone. Active audience discussion offered new ideas about harnessing digital tools to improve pathology learning and practice.
Professor David Raubenheimer’s Innovation Plenary enlightened an early morning audience about nutritional ecology, the
study of how nutrition-related aspects of an animal’s environment interact with its biology to determine health and tness outcomes.
The audience was left with the dilemma of whether or not to partake of food on offer at the Convention Centre! A/Prof Bev Rowbotham delivered the prestigious Eva Raik Plenary
under the title First do no harm - challenges to be overcome in the modern practice of pathology. Her focus on the future of the profession stressed
the importance of a risk based approach to the essential service of pathology. She concluded her powerful presentation by stating that accuracy in the practice of pathology and the provision of correct pathology data are areas where it is too important to fail. Professor Zoltan Takats (from the UK) spoke on mass spectrometry imaging data which held a diverse audience engrossed and generated ongoing debate throughout the rest of the meeting. His talk about smart iKnives and data pro ling of the smoke produced for tissue analysis and diagnosis raised many questions about future directions in histopathology.
9 – 11 May 2018, Westmead Institute for Medical Research, Sydney, NSW Scienti c Convenors Dr David Brown, Dr Ming-Wei Lin, and Dr Melanie Wong.
A popular, always well attended course, which included delegates from New Zealand and Hong Kong. The course covered important aspects of diagnostic immunopathology, basic immunology and laboratory management. Participants were Trainees, Fellows and Scientists who heard
from outstanding speakers. An optional trial examination for candidates sitting the Part I or II Immunopathology exams was included in the course.
ANNUAL REPORT • 2017 - 2018