Page 37 - Spring 2012
P. 37
Potters November:Layout 1 16/05/2012 10:02 Page 1
POTTERS The other Semi- 37
final saw Gill & Tony
LEISURE Kent score a 9 - 4 win
over Bob Cousins & Mar-
In the first evenings garet Hastings.
bowls drive Bob Cousins, The final was rela-
Norma Wilkins, Pam Fay- tively low scoring with
ers & Isobel Wardley rat- just 10 shots over nine
tled up a 24 shots plus ends but with Mark & Iso-
over their five games. bel Wardley winning 8 - 2
In the 2 bowl Singles over Gill & Tony Kent.
Roly Fincham beat Eileen In the Triples Quar-
Bellett by 8 shots to 5, Champion Tony Kent ter finals Bob Cousins,
whilst was in stunning with finalist Bob Cousins Margaret Hastings &
form against Derek Oxley, Dave Baker fought back
winning 8 - 1. from 1 - 6 for a last gasp 7 -
Tony Kent also only 6 win over Lonnie Fyson,
conceded one shot when Barry Bell & Tony Kent. An-
beating Norman Wilkins 11 - other close match saw
1. Bob Cousins completed Janet Russell, Roly & Dawn
the semi-final line-up but Fincham beat John Bellett
was pushed all the way by Norma & Clive Wilkins by 7
Sheila Booker, who only lost shots to 5.
6 - 7. Pam Fayers Sheila &
Bob was then equally John Hillier beat Ann Car-
under pressure in his semi- roll, Iris Pettengel & Sam
final but edged home 8 - 6 Salmon 9 - 4. The biggest
over Roly Fincham. Tony win came from Gerry Rus-
Kent had an easier time with sell, Julie & Alan Thornhill
a 10 - 3 win over former sin- with an 11 - 2 victory over
gles winner Margaret Hews. Seated Pairs Champions Mark & Tom Quinel, Maureen
The final was as ex- Isobel Wardley with Finalists Kitchiner & John Packham.
pected a tight affair but in Gill & Tony Kent Both semi-finals were
the end Tony Kent beat close affairs. Pam Fay-
Bob Cousins 9 shots to 5. ers, Sheila & John Hillier
In the Pairs Quarter were almost caught from
finals, Derek & Sheila a 7 - 0 lead but in the end
Oxley scored a last end beat Gerry Russell, Julie
single to beat Lonnie & & Alan Thornhill by 8
Maureen Fyson 7 - 6. Gill shots to 6.
& Tony Kent beat club- It needed a sudden
mates Barry & Maureen death extra end to sepa-
Bell 12 - 6. rate the teams but Janet
Bob Cousins & Mar- Russell, Roly & Dawn
garet Hastings had a nail- Fincham beat Bob
biting match against Cousins, Margaret Hast-
Julie & Alan Thornhill ings & Dave Baker 7 - 6.
whom they edged out 9 - Triples Champions Sheila & John In the final Pam Fay-
8 with a single on the last Hiller & Pam Fayers with Finalists ers, Sheila & John Hillier
end. Mark & Isobel Ward- Dawn & Roly Fincham and scored an amazing turn-
ley were also pushed by Janet Russell around, coming back
Dave Baker & Michael Rice but edged into the from 5 - 11 down and over the last three ends
semi-finals by 11 - 9. to beat Janet Russell, Roly & Dawn Fincham
by 12 shots to 11.