Page 38 - Spring 2012
P. 38

Wessex November:Layout 1  16/05/2012  10:03  Page 1

           WESSEX HOTEL                    38                                     David & Joan were then edged

               SOMERSET                                                           out  8  -  6  in  their  semi-final
                                                                                  against  Francis  &  Eleanor
          The  opening  first  evenings                                           Hawkey. Also making it to the
          bowls drive was won by Gordon                                           final, Barbara & David French
          Denham,  Dave  Brown,  Joan                                             beat clubmates Ed & Bev Dil-
          Taylor & Bev Dillon with a 20 - 4                                       lon by 12 shots to 4.
          scoreline.                                                                    The  final  was  a  superb
                The first event to be con-                                        match as the result swung to
          cluded  was  the  two  bowl  sin-                                       and  fro,  ending  up  at  10  all
          gles.  At  the  semi-final  stage                                       after  10  ends,  forcing  the
          Maurice  Deans  beat  David                                             match into a sudden death fin-
          French by 8 shots to 3. Former                                          ish.  In  the  end  Francis  &
          Champion  Joyce  Howe  was              Champion Dave Taylor            Eleanor  Hawkey  scored  the
          pushed all the way by Maggie           and finalists Joyce Howe         vital single for a 9 - 8 win.
          Short and came back from 4 -                                                   In  the  Triples  quarters,
          6 to win 7 - 6.                                                          Mark  Hooper,  Malcolm  &
                Dave Taylor had a com-                                             Freda  Taylor  proved  too
          fortable 9 - 3 victory over Mark                                         strong for Jim Kirkup, Hazel &
          Hooper  whilst  Dave  Brown                                              Maurice Deans with a 13 - 3
          beat  Gordon  Denham  by  7                                              victory.
          shots to 4.                                                                    Ron  Moule,  Stewart  &
                Dave Brown then met an                                             Joyce Howe did not concede
          in  form  Dave  Taylor  in  the                                          a  single  shot  to  Brian  Rust,
          semi-finals, with Dave Taylor                                            Barbara & David French with
          romping  home  9  -  1.  In  the                                         a 10 - 0 scoreline.
          other semi-final Joyce Howe                                                    The  other  two  quarters
          was in similar sparkling form                                            were  much  closer  with  Ted
          to beat Maurice Deans 10 - 1.                                            Uren, Ed & Bev Dillon edging
                A great final then ensued                                          out Dave Brown, Roy Eade &
          and was only settled by three                                            Chris  Scott,  whilst  Maggie
          consecutive  singles  over  the        Seated Pairs Champions            Short,  Eleanor  &  Francis
          closing ends giving Dave Tay-      Eleanor & Francis Hawkey with         Hawkey  edged  out  Lucy
          lor  an  8  -  5  win  over  Joyce    Finalists David & Barbara          Brown, Dave & Joan Taylor by
          Howe.                                            French                  7 - 4.
                In  the  Pairs  Joyce                                                         Maggie, Eleanor &
          Howe      with    husband                                                     Francis kept up their form
          Stewart came up against                                                       beating Ted Uren, Ed &
          the  very  strong  pair  of                                                   Bev  Dillon  11  -  4.  Ron
          Barbara & David French                                                        Moule, Stewart & Joyce
          who won scoring 12 shots                                                      Howe completed the final
          without reply.                                                                line-up with a 9 - 6 victory
                Ed & Bev Dillon fin-                                                    over Mark Hooper, Mal-
          ished off with two two’s for                                                  colm & Freda Taylor.
          a  9  -  4  win  over  Garth                                                        The  final,  as  ex-
          Willis  &  Roy  Eade.                                                         pected, was a close and
          Eleanor      &     Francis                                                    hard fought affair. Need-
          Hawkey      showed      no                                                    ing  a  three  to  force  an
          mercy to friends Margaret       Triples Champions Eleanor & Francis           extra  end  Ron  Moule,
          & Gordon Denham, win-          Hawkey & Maggie Short with Finalists           Stewart  &  Joyce  Howe
          ning 12 - 4. With another      Stewart & Joyce Howe and Ron Moule             could  only  score  a  two
          romping scoreline, David                                                      leaving  Maggie  Short,
          & Joan Taylor had a 10 - 1 result over Hazel &        Eleanor & Francis Hawkey as champions.
          Maurice Deans.
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