Page 33 - Spring 2012
P. 33

Carrington October.:Layout 1  16/05/2012  09:54  Page 1

            CARRINGTON                                                                Pat & Pam remained       33

            HOUSE HOTEL                                                               in great form in their
                                                                                      semi-final  but  were
          The  week’s  tournament                                                     edged out 8 - 7 by Marion &
          opened up with a fun bowl                                                   Norman  Beeden.  In  the
          drive with Derek Gardiner,                                                  other  semi  Gavin  &  Keith
          Simon Briggs, Kath Downs                                                    Wood proved too strong for
          & John Horsham rattling up                                                  Lorraine Axtell & John Hor-
          a shots plus of 13.                                                         sham by 12 - 5.
                At  the  quarter  final                                                    The final was a  real
          stage of the 2 bowl singles                                                 cracker  with  both  Pairs  in
          Alan  Thornhill  beat  Trish                                                great  form. The  final  went
          Gough by 10 shots to 2. Vic                                                 right  to  the  last  end  with
          Hildersley and Harry Ward            Finalist Vic Hildersley with           Gavin  &  Keith  Wood
          had  a  tremendous  tussle       Singles Champion Lorraine Axtell           snatching victory with a sin-
          and only a single on the last                                              gle on the last end.
          end gave Vic a 7 - 6 victory.                                                    In the Triples Quarter
          Fred Crisp was pushed hard                                                 finals Vic Hildersley, Julie &
          by Joyce Bird but got home                                                 Alan Thornhill scored a full
          8 - 5 in the end. Completing                                               house six in beating Peter
          the last game Lorraine Axtell                                              Cheeseman, Maureen & pat
          and John Downs had a nip                                                   Groome 13 - 3.
          & tuck match with Lorraine                                                       Mary Chadburn, Keith
          edging John out by 8 - 7.                                                  &  Gavin  Wood  recorded  a
                In  superb  form,  Lor-                                              low  scoring  win  over  Jan
          raine went on to an 11 - 0                                                 Old, Velda Robinson & John
          semi-final victory over Fred                                               Cooper  by  6  -  3.  Anne
          Crisp. The other semi was a                                                Shorter  Marion  &  Norman
          hard fought with singles all                                               Beeden recorded a comfort-
          the way and Vic Hildersley                                                 able 8 - 4 win over Graham
          beat Alan Thornhill by 6 - 4                                               Wild, Mick & Joyce Bird.
          over the 10 ends.                                                                Completing the round
                The final was also very    Seated Pairs Champions Gavin &            Rachel Tapp, Lorraine Axtell
          hard fought but Lorraine Ax-     Keith Wood with Finalists Marion          &  John  Horsham  beat Au-
          tell managed a 7 - 4 victory              & Norman Beeden                  drey  Stew,  Olive  &  Clive
          over Vic Hildersley with a                                                    Beaumont 10 - 6.
          two on the last end.                                                               Rachel,  Lorraine  &
                In the Pairs Quarter                                                    John then won their semi
          finals Gavin & Keith Wood                                                     12 - 4 over Anne Shorter,
          edged past Simon Briggs                                                       Marion  &  Norman  Bee-
          &  Mike  Stoneman  7  -  6                                                    den. Completing the final
          with a last end single.                                                       line-up,  Vic  Hildersley,
                Previous     winners                                                    Alan  &  Julie  Thornhill
          Marion & Norman Beeden                                                        beat  Mary  Chadburn,
          beat  Fred  &  Molly  Dou-                                                    Keith & Gavin Wood 5 - 4.
          glas 12 - 1. Lorraine Axtell                                                       The  final  gave  one
          &  John  Horsham  pro-                                                        of the most amazing turn-
          gressed with a 10 - 4 win                                                     arounds. Vic, Julie & Alan
          over Harry Ward & Paddy        Triples Champions Rachel Tapp, John            led 10 - 6 into the last end
          Jones. Pat Grant & Pam       Horsham & Lorraine Axtell with Finalists         but a stunning five shots
          Horan  completed  the         Julie & Alan Thornhill and Vic Hildersley       gave  Rachel  Tapp,  Lor-
          round with an 11 - 5 win                                                      raine Axtell & John Hor-
          over previous winners Olive & Clive Beaumont.         sham a stunning last gasp 11 - 10 victory.
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