Page 4 - Welcome to VTax Recruiting
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Profile of a Brand Ambassador
The VTax Brand Ambassador is an exciting position for those who are socially engaged and understand the concept of
referral marketing. As an Ambassador, you'll use your influence and word-of-mouth along with VTax marketing tools to
drive clients to use VTax On-Demand Tax Preparation Services.
Study the company's marketing goals and objectives Indulge in outreach initiative strategy to involve existing
and organize tax referral initiatives. customers into the company's offerings.
Responsible for marketing and increasing VTax brand Carry out innovative marketing ideas and record and
value to customers. maintain client preferences.
Increase awareness and generate sales for VTax Represent company and its products and services to the
brand and commission for you. media and customers in a positive manner.
Implement laid out strategic and proactive marketing Relay customer feedback to the company in anticipation of
campaigns to create a positive brand experience. improving products and services.