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• In premises without any automatic water fire extingui-
           shing, they must be made from M0 or M1 materials.   6.  FIREPROOFING

           They  must  also  have  an  efficient  attachment  system  to   The fire reaction classification guarantee of materials used
           prevent them falling and be supported by wires forming a   in exhibition halls must be provided upon the safety offi-
           mesh no greater than 1 m².                          cer’s request in the form of labels, reports or certificates.
                                                               Coverings and materials meeting safety requirements are
           In any event, the suspension and attachment systems for   sold by specialist distributors who must provide the cer-
           falls ceilings must be made from M0 category materials.   tificate stating the material’s fire rating. A list of these dis-
           When insulation material is placed within the airspace of   tributors may be obtained from GROUPEMENT NON FEU,
           ceilings and false ceilings, only M1 category materials may   37-39, rue de Neuilly, BP 249, 92113 CLICHY (Tel.: 33 (0)1
           be used.                                            47 56 30 81).

           B.  CEILINGS AND FALSE CEILINGS                     Fireproofing can raise to M2 the rating of materials which in
                                                               a normal state are easily or readily flammable. Fireproofing
           Ceilings and false ceilings must be made using M0 and M1   can involve spreading a special liquid, brush application of
           category materials. However, 25% of the total surface area   a paint or special varnish or dipping in a special bath. Fire-
           of the ceilings and false ceilings may be made using M2   proofing work must be done either by the decorators, who
           category materials. Light fittings and their accessories are   must be able to supply all details concerning the material’s
           included in this percentage. Furthermore, if the constituent   treatment,  or  by  an  approved  applicator,  who  provides
           components of ceilings and false ceilings are open worked   the exhibitor with a certificate based on a standard mo-
           or mesh, M2 category materials may be used when the full   del which indicates: the nature, surface and colour of the
           surface area is less than 50% of the total surface area of the   treated colouring, treatment date, stamp and signature of
           ceilings and false ceilings.                        the operator. The contact details of approved applicators
                                                               may be obtained from GROUPEMENT TECHNIQUE FRAN-
                                                               CAIS DE L’IGNIFUGATION, 10, rue du Débarcadère, 75017
                                                               PARIS (Tel.: 33 (0)1 40 55 13 13).
                                                               NB: Fireproofing may only be applied to timber panels, na-
                                                               tural fibre fabrics or those containing a high proportion of
                                                               natural fibres or natural materials. It is not possible to fire-
                                                               proof synthetic and plastic fabrics.

                                                               VERY IMPORTANT: Reports originating from outside of
                                                               France will not be taken into consideration. And reports
                                                               issued by approved French laboratories will be accepted.

                                                               (1)Or raised to the level by a fire-proofing process.
                                                               (2)This is the case of all the pavilions at the Porte de Ver-
                                                               sailles exhibition centre with the exception of the nave of
                                                               the central part of Pavilion 1

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