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must also be taken into account. The fire reaction report
           3. COVERING MATERIALS                               must indicate: “Suitable for stretched laying on an M3 subs-

           A. WALL COVERINGS
                                                               4. DECORATIVE COMPONENTS

           Wallcoverings (natural or plastic fibres) must fall within
           the material categories M0, M1 or M2 (1). They may then
           be hung or stapled. Other very thin (max. 1 mm) coatings   A. FREESTANDING COMPONENTS
           (fabrics, papers, plastic films) may be used when entirely
           glued on a backing comprised of materials falling within the   Freestanding or non-attached components (advertising
           categories M0, M1, M2 or M3. On the other hand, waffle   panels with a surface area greater than 0.5 m², garlands,
           anaglypta papers may only be glued on materials falling   light decorative objects, etc.) must be made using M0 or M1
           within the M0 category.                             materials. The use of signs or advertising panels using white
                                                               letters on a green background is totally banned as these
           Materials displayed may be presented on the stands wit-  colours are exclusively used to indicate exits and emergen-
           hout any fire reaction requirements. However, if these ma-  cy exits.
           terials are used to decorate petitions or full ceilings, and if
           they account for more than 20% of the total surface area   B. FLORAL DECORATIONS
           of these components, the provisions of the previous para-
           graphs shall apply.                                 Floral decorations using synthetic materials must be li-
                                                               mited. If not, these decorations must be made using M2
           However, these provisions do not apply to trade fairs and   materials. These provisions do not apply to trade shows or
           specific stands for interior decoration where textiles and   specific stands presenting floral businesses.
           wall coatings are presented. A water spray fire extinguisher
           must be present on the relevant stand.              NB: For natural plants, the mulch or peat must be kept per-
                                                               manently damp.
                                                               C. FURNITURE
           Curtains, hangings and voiles may be free-floating if they
           fall within the M0, M1 or M2   categories.. However, there   There are no particular requirements with regard to stan-
           may  not  be  used  for  stand  entrance  and  exit  doors,  but   dard furniture (chairs, tables, desks, etc.). On the other
           shall be authorised for cabin doors.                hand, lockers, counters, shelving, etc., must be made using
                                                               M3  materials.
           Paint and varnish is totally banned if it is deemed flammable   5. VELLUM – CEILINGS - FALLS
           (nitrocellulose or glycerophtalic for example).

           D. FLOOR, PODIUM, STAGE AND                         Stands with a ceiling, false ceilings or full-coverage vellum
                                                               must have a covered surface area less than 300 m². If the
           TIERED SEATING COATINGS                             covered area is greater than 50 m , appropriate extingui-
                                                               shing system, with at least one safety officer in attendance
           Floor coverings must be made of M4 category materials   permanently went the public is present.
           and solidly fixed in place. The coverings, whether horizon-
           tal or not, of podiums, stages or tiered seating with a height   A. VELLUMS
           greater than 0.3 m and a total surface area greater than 20
           m² must be made using M3 materials. If their total surface   Vellum are authorised under the following conditions:
           area is less than or equal to 20 m², M4 materials may be   •  in premises protected by an automatic water extingui-
           used for these coatings.                            shing system , the balance must be made from M0 or M1
           NB: For M3 or M4 carpet laid on timber, belaying method

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