P. 7

as such all the Organiser’s communications are in English   6. BREAKDOWN
           with, in some cases, a translation into French. The visitors
           expected are also largely English-speaking. Consequently,
           the Organiser recommends that your provide your com-  6.1
           munications, flyers, signage and other media in English or
           at least in both the exhibition languages.          Exhibitors must observe the breakdown start and end
                                                               dates stipulated in the Practical Information, available on
           5.6                                                 their exhibitor’s area online.

           Receptions and Parties. In your online exhibitor’s area, you   6.2
           will find a list of catering services approved by the Orga-
           niser. However, all caterers are permitted to provide their   Exhibitors, or their duly accredited representatives, are re-
           services at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, provided they   quired to be present on the stand from the start of the
           make themselves known to Viparis in advance and sign a   breakdown period and remain until the stand has been
           temporary contract enabling them to obtain the neces-  completely removed.
           sary authorisations to access the site. To do this, please
           contact Myriam Mottin (VIPARIS Licensing Department) by   6.3
           telephone: +33 (0)1 40 68 14 46 or email: myriam.mot-
                                      The stands, merchandise, items and decorations belon-
                                                               ging to the exhibitor, as well as any waste from the ma-
           5.7                                                 terials used to decorate the stands, must be removed by
                                                               the exhibitors or their service providers by the specified
           Exhibitor expressly authorise the Organiser, free of charge,   time and according to the schedule set by the Organi-
           to take photos and/or video showing them as well as their   ser. After the deadline, the Organiser may have the stand
           team members taken as a group, without prejudice to   cleared and any items taken to a storage location of their
           their individual publicity rights, similarly for the products   choosing, at the risk and expense of the exhibitor, without
           exhibited on their stand, and to use such images freely, on   their being held liable for any damage or losses whether
           all media, particularly advertising, in France and interna-  total or partial. The Organiser may invoice the exhibitor
           tionally, for an unlimited time, to promote this session or   for cleaning carried out at the time of breakdown, backed
           future sessions of the exhibition.                  up by visual evidence.

           5.8                                                 6.4

           Taking photographs or videos within the confines of the   Exhibitors must leave the spaces, decorations and equip-
           exhibition may be allowed, subject to written authori-  ment provided in the state in which they found them.
           sation by the Organiser. Video rushes and proofs of any   Any damage to equipment, the building or the occupied
           photographs taken must be sent to the Organiser within   floorspace caused by their installations or merchandise
           fifteen days of the exhibition closing. Authorisation may   will be assessed by Paris Expo Porte de Versailles techni-
           be withdrawn at any time.                           cal services as well as by the Organiser and any necessary
                                                               repairs and/or cleaning will be invoiced to the exhibitors
           5.9                                                 responsible.

           The Organiser reserves the right to ban visitors from ta-  6.5
           king photographs or video. Visitors may be prevented
           from taking photographs of certain items or persons on   As part of the stand fitting packages provided by the Orga-
           the stands at the request or demand of the exhibitors.  niser, exhibitors must retrieve their equipment, brochures
                                                               and personal effects within one hour of the official closing
           5.10                                                of the exhibition. Storage cupboards and hired furniture
                                                               must be handed back empty.
           The Organiser has the exclusive right to write, publish and
           disseminate any information concerning the exhibition.  6.6
                                                               The organizer wishes to take an eco-responsible ap-

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