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AND COMPLIANCE Exhibitors who have chosen the space-only option must
present their stand layout to the Organiser at least 40 days
before the exhibition, i.e. by 30 April 2018. The plans must
1.1 include the maximum height of the structure, the maxi-
mum height of the signage (company sign, etc.) and the
Exhibitors, or their accredited representatives, are required dimensions on the ground, as well as indicate the pre-
to be present on the stand throughout the build-up phase sence of flooring (specify height and show location of
and remain until it is completed. They must, in particular, ramp on the plans) and the orientation. The Organiser re-
be present during safety inspections and comply, for the serves the right to refuse permission for a stand to be built
duration of the exhibition, with the safety precautions im- if the plans are not submitted by the deadline. The plans
posed by the authorities or taken by Organiser. They must shall be submitted to the Safety Officer for review.
keep to the attendance timetable defined in the exhibition
schedule. 1.7
1.2 Individual stand decoration is carried out by the exhibitors
and is entirely their responsibility. It must, in any case, tie
Exhibitors, or their suppliers, must have finished build- in with the overall look of the exhibition, not affect the
up by the date and time set by the Organiser, after which visibility of the neighbouring stands and adhere to the sti-
no personnel, packaging, equipment, delivery vehicles or pulations of the present regulations on this point. It must
outside contractors may be present, for any reason what- not inconvenience other exhibitors and visitors, or put
soever, nor may they access, be kept or remain on the site their safety at risk. It is also forbidden to stack goods un-
where the exhibition is being held, however prejudicial it safely or in a manner deemed unsightly by the Organiser.
may be to the exhibitor. For safety and security reasons, Exhibitors accept all risks pertaining to their own installa-
it will not be possible to enter the hall until the exhibition tions and are responsible for any damage resulting from
opens to the public. their actions, particularly from the use of water. Installa-
tion must nonetheless be carried out by qualified service
1.3 providers.
It is strictly forbidden to nail, screw, drill, stick or otherwise 1.8
attach anything to the walls, floors or any structure that
forms an integral part of the building. Exhibitors must also All the materials used, including wall coverings, draperies
leave the spaces, structures and decorations provided in and carpeting, must be compliant with the regulations, in
the state in which they found them. Any deterioration or particular those concerning fire safety (cf. Annex 1 below).
damage caused by their stand, including any necessary The Organiser reserves the right to have any non-com-
repairs or cleaning, will be charged to the exhibitor. pliant materials, equipment or installation removed or des-
troyed at any time. The Organiser also reserves the right to
1.4 remove or alter at the exhibitor’s expense any installations
considered to detract from the overall appearance of the
Any exhibitor who, for whatever reason, is occupying exhibition, inconvenience neighbouring exhibitors or visi-
another company’s space, shall give it up when first or- tors, or deviate from the plans or sketches previously sub-
dered to do so and return it to its original state. If it fails to mitted.
do so, it authorises the Organiser to clear the space at the
risk and expense of the exhibitor. 1.9
1.5 For safety reasons, all plants and flowers on the stands
must be placed in a leakproof container (vase, planter, jar-
Space-only stands are provided without structure or fit- dinière, etc.) and exhibitors are requested to ensure that
tings, simply with the stand area marked out on the floor. their suppliers adhere to this requirement.
Exhibitors must ask their stand designer/builder to supply
a floor covering, as well as back and divider partitions. 1.10
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