P. 5

3. ACCES TO THE EXHIBITION                          4.1

                                                               Exhibitors may show on their stand only products, brands,
           3.1                                                 services, techniques or equipment designed or made
                                                               by them, and of/for which they are the owner, agent or
           No one will be admitted to the exhibition without a ticket   distributor. The Organiser may, after consideration, ex-
           issued or accepted by the Organiser.                clude any products or services deemed incompatible with
                                                               the aims of the Exhibition. It is forbidden to advertise, in
           3.2                                                 any form whatsoever, products or services belonging to
                                                               non-exhibiting companies, persons or associations.
           The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry or expel
           anyone, whether a visitor or an exhibitor, whose presence   4.2
           or behaviour is deemed prejudicial to the safety, security,
           serenity or image of the exhibition.                Loose packaging, covers used when the exhibition is
                                                               closed, coats and personal items belonging to the per-
           3.3                                                 sonnel, as well as more generally any item not relevant
                                                               to the stand’s purpose, must be put out of sight of the
           Exhibitor’s Badge. Exhibitors must be in possession of   visitors. Conversely, it is forbidden to leave exhibits co-
           an Exhibitor’s badge. This badge is strictly personal and   vered when the exhibition is open to the public. Similarly,
           enables  the  bearer  to  access  the  exhibition  hall  free  of   exhibitors must ensure that their stand is clean and tidy at
           charge at all times.                                all times.
           3.4                                                 4.3

           Once the exhibition is open, exhibitors must show their   During opening hours, the stand must be permanent-
           badges spontaneously each time they enter. Exhibitors   ly occupied by a competent person, both on trade-only
           who do not have their badges with them must go to the   days and the day when the exhibition is open to the gene-
           Exhibitors desk at the main reception for the exhibition   ral public. All persons present on the stand must observe
           to have another one printed, provided they are already in   the rules of propriety and courtesy and make sure that
           the database. If not, it will be possible to print a badge   they pay the necessary attention to the visitors. Anyone
           assuming the company has not yet used up its quota. If   not adhering to these rules may be temporarily or perma-
           this is the case, the exhibitor will be required to pay for an   nently excluded by the Organiser.
                                                               Exhibitors must not empty or dismantle their stand, or re-
           Exhibitors are obliged to adhere to the instructions of the   move any items before the end of the exhibition, even if
           Organiser with regard to the regulations pertaining to the   it is extended. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a
           entry and exit of equipment and goods to and from the   written report by the Organiser, which could constitute
           exhibition hall, in particular with regard to authorised de-  grounds to exclude the exhibitor from participating in fu-
           livery times.                                       ture sessions of the exhibition.
           3.6                                                 4.5

           It is strictly forbidden to access the exhibition or for exhi-  It is strictly forbidden to promote products or services out
           bitors to be present when the exhibition is closed to the   loud, as well as to tout for business in the aisles. Exhibitors
           public.                                             must not under any circumstances obstruct or impinge
                                                               on the aisles.

           4. CHARGE OF THE STANDS

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