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Construction height. The maximum height of divider par-  decorations must be designed so as to leave the aisles lar-
           titions is fixed at 2.5 metres and cannot be exceeded, even   gely free of obstructions and make it easy to see through
           if an agreement has been reached between neighbouring   the stands. Partitions or items that obscure the view of the
           stands. Provided a minimum clearance of 1m from the   neighbouring stands are forbidden.
           aisles and neighbouring stands is observed,  the maxi-
           mum height permitted for all other decorations, dividers   1.16
           or constructions is fixed at 4m. ‘Height’ is understood to
           mean the overall height measured from the floor of the   Ceiling. Solid ceilings over the whole area of the stand are
           building.                                           not permitted. Stands may be partially covered, provided
                                                               the roof area does not exceed 40% of the total. Openwork
           1.11                                                ceilings or roofs over the whole area of the stand are per-
                                                               mitted only if made from M0 or M1 rated materials.
           Double-decker stands. Double-decker stands are not
           permitted.                                          1.17

           1.12                                                No exhibit, sign or structure must impinge on the aisles.
                                                               No decorative item, furniture, sign or lighting must extend
           Height of signs. Provided a minimum clearance of 1m   beyond the boundary of the stand. It is forbidden to use,
           from the aisles and neighbouring stands is observed, the   in any way whatsoever, the spaces reserved for the circu-
           maximum height permitted for decorative elements and   lation of visitors. It is strictly forbidden to place anything
           tall signage, whether freestanding or suspended, is 5m.   whatsoever over the aisles (sign, banner, walkway, etc.)
           This also applies to any kind of sign or balloon, which may   except in the case of internal gangways dividing an island
           be illuminated but not flashing.                    stand.
           1.13                                                1.18

           The  putting  up  of  signs  or  direct/indirect  advertising  of   Electrical connection. It is strictly forbidden to connect
           trade names, brands, products or company names other   up to another stand’s power supply or to divert power to
           than those of the authorised exhibitor is subject to prior   another stand.
           authorisation and payment of an additional fee for adver-
           tising. Exhibitors are liable for payment of this fee which   1.19
           they must settle immediately. Exhibitors must remove any
           sign or item deemed non-compliant when first ordered   Fire Safety Precautions. On stands including a fire hose ca-
           to do so and will not be entitled to compensation; the   binet, it is imperative that it remain accessible at all times
           Organiser may act on behalf of the offender, without any   in case the emergency services need to intervene. A fire
           other action being taken.                           hose cabinet must not be enclosed in a room or cupboard
                                                               nor must it be obscured by plants or decorations. It must
           1.14                                                remain freely accessible for the duration of the exhibition.
                                                               Similarly, the fire extinguishers installed by the technical
           Floor.  Stands  with  an upstand  (raised  floor or  platform)   department of Porte de Versailles Exhibition Centre or on
           of twenty millimetres (20 mm) or more must be set up   the recommendation of the Safety Officer - on or right
           in  such  a  way  as  to  be  accessible  to  mobility-impaired   next to the stands - may not under any circumstances be
           people. To this end, it is obligatory to install an access   moved and must remain accessible at all times.
           ramp or similar. Access ramps must not extend beyond
           the boundary of the stand area reserved by the exhibitor.  1.20

           1.15                                                Rigging. Operations that involves attaching items to the
                                                               structure of a building or to structures installed by the or-
           It is imperative that a minimum of 40% of each side of the   ganiser may only be carried out by specialized personnel,
           stand running alongside an aisle be left open. Any special   either by an employee of Parc des Expositions de la Porte de
                                                               Versailles or by a supplier exclusively appointed by the orga-

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