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niser. The exhibitor, following his online request, must pro-
vide a rigging plan in line with the rules set out above before Exhibitors, as well as their fitters, service providers or sup-
30/04/2018. Any rigging installation that does not comply pliers, are obliged to adhere to the instructions of the Or-
with these regulations may be taken down at the expense ganiser and Paris Expo Porte de Versailles with regard to
of the exhibitor. the regulations pertaining to the entry and exit of vehicles,
equipment and goods, particularly the movement of
1.21 vehicles within the grounds of Paris Expo Porte de Ver-
sailles and in the area around Hall 1. For safety/security
Lighting trusses. Standalone equipment or lighting trusses reasons, personnel duly authorised by Paris Expo Porte
rigged over the stand are permitted. They must be co- de Versailles have the right to demand that vehicles be
loured black. The bottom of the truss must be no hi- opened and/or searched, with no possibility of avoiding it.
gher than 5m above the ground and be set back at least
1m from the boundary of the stand with the aisles and 2.2
the neighbouring stands. The truss may be used to fix
overhead signage, but the maximum height must not ex- These instructions expect drivers to adhere to the highway
ceed 5m. code and keep to a maximum speed limit of 20 kmph. It is
also forbidden to stop or park in marked taxi, bus and/or
1.22 emergency access lanes. Similarly, it is strictly forbidden
for vehicles to circulate inside the exhibition hall.
Water supply. By default, exhibitors do not have the option
of a water supply inlet on the stand. A special dispensation 2.3
may be granted on a case by case basis depending on
whether there is a water supply pass-through in the space Exhibitors are personally responsible for transporting and
reserved by the exhibitor. receiving their own parcels and merchandise, and for
checking the contents and delivery condition. The Orga-
1.23 niser will not under any circumstances accept or hold any
items on behalf of exhibitors and accepts no responsibility
VIVA TECHNOLOGY sets up a wireless network for all ex- for any damage, theft or other problem with goods, ma-
hibitors and visitors. VIVA TECHNOLOGY strongly discou- terials, equipment or people during build-up, transport or
rages exhibitors from using their own Wi-Fi infrastructure, breakdown. If exhibitors or their representatives are not
as these access points can interfere strongly with the VIVA present at the time their deliveries are received, the Orga-
TECHNOLOGY infrastructure. In the event that an exhibi- niser shall pass responsibility to the carrier at the risk and
tor wants to use their own Wifi infrastructure, it is impe- expense of the carrier and the exhibitors.
rative to declare this to the organizers so that a reserved
channel is allocated to them. The power of the access 2.4
point should be set to a minimum and should never ex-
ceed 5 dBm (3.12 mW), which reduces coverage to 20m During build-up and breakdown, parking in the vicinity of
instead of 100m for a power default of 20 dBm (100 mW). the exhibition hall is controlled but free. Access is strictly
The access point must be set to the reserved channel of limited to the time it takes to load and unload. Access is
the 2.4 GHz band. The name of the Wifi network must through Gate M.
include the name of the sign of the stand or a precise re-
ference to the place. The reserved channel of the 5 GHz 2.5
band is EXCLUSIVELY reserved for the general network set
up by the organizer. VIVA TECHNOLOGY ASSUMES NO For the duration of the exhibition, no cars or vehicles are
LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE CAUSED BY INTERFERENCE OR permitted to enter, park or circulate within the grounds
LACK OF CONNECTION TO THE NETWORK. of Paris Expo Porte de Versailles outside the designated
delivery times, without the prior authorisation of the Or-
ganiser and the agreement of Viparis. The Organiser re-
serves the right to remove or clamp any private, company
2. DELIVERY or delivery vehicle in contravention of these rules and to
definitively deny them access to the exhibition for its du-
ration, at the risk of the vehicle owners.
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