Page 13 - Performance Task
P. 13

      USE OF NARRATOLOGY CONCEPTS in "Dear Diary..." The use of the narratology concepts before contributes to the sotry because it demonstrates the reader that the events that happen to the character are not the most important part (that is why it spoils the ending for the reader), but rather the ideas inside of the characters, and how complete they are. That is the justification for, for instance, the flashbacks and the anachronological order. The first person narration and the autodiegetic narration contribute to the meaning of the story because they give the perspective of a character who has doubts of his own self, which totally relates to the search of that character's own identity. Finally, the use of the epistolary fiction helps the reader to relate to a greater extent to the ideas of the narrator, demonstrating that the search for identity is an issue that every person should tackle.    

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