Page 47 - Porsche Club Central Magazine Oct 2020
P. 47
club members were asked for a show of hands who would be interested in more track days during the year. A large number of attendees enthusiastically responded which goes to show that Porsche Club members like to get the blood racing on the tracks.
The service was excellent, the food was really ample and tasty, meeting our expectations within budget. Noni Mothetho and Projects Operations Manager Gary Brown personally attended the event to make sure it met with our specification.
From the roars of laughter that sporadically erupted from the tables, it seemed that everyone enjoyed a good time. 2020 has not been a great year for many, and even this might be an understatement. But we are so often caught up in our troubles that we can forget the journey and especially the great people we meet on our way. We are quite blessed with being able to journey in a Porsche or two and having our Porsche family.
Despite the earlier forecast, the weather was kind to us, and the members could explore the beautiful setting of Toadbury Hall. Many requested that we should return to Wildwood because of its enchanting scenery. Members agreed that the tranquil but stylish experience of Toadbury Hall was well worth a visit. Like all breakfast runs, we hope the breakfast run felt like an escape from your concerns and that the breath of fresh air and exploration of new places brought you joy and new friends.
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