Page 84 - 社科学术研究入门及经验
P. 84

2. negative relationship:负关系,随着A增加B反而会降低;随着A减少B反而会升

         要说明的是,这里的positive relationship 和negative relationship并不是说, 变量A

         的增加就会"导致" B 的 增 加 或 下 降 ( 对 具 体 字 眼 要 分 外 小 心 ) —— 这 就 是 causal


         来,下面几个研究假设,请大家分别思考以下每个假设中的DV, IV,unit of analysis,


               Hypothesis a: "As the asset specificity of services increases, governments

               rely more on internal service production." (Brown, T. & Potoski,M. 2003)
               Hypothesis  b:  "When  the  mayor  of  a  municipality  is  more  central  in  the

               network of mayors, the municipality will exhibit a higher degree of policy

               Hypothesis c: "Federal employees in agencies with higher levels of mission
               comprehension  ambiguity  will  perceive  lower  levels  of  organizational

               performance." (Chun and Rainey, 2005)

               Hypothesis d: "Gender congruence among supervisors and employees will
               increase  employee  satisfaction  and  reduce  turnover.  "  (Grissom,

               Nicholson-Crotty, and Keiser, 2012)

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