Page 11 - NEW ROSE YEARBOOK 04-18-17_Neat
P. 11


                             Please  permit  me  only  to  list  a  few  implications  of the  outlook  for  education  and  training

                    in  the  years  ahead.  It  is  clear  that  multitudes  of opportunities  will  open  up  for  job-seekers

                    during  the  years  ahead.  Your  ability  to  embrace  these  opportunities,  however,  will  depend,  to

                   an  important  extent,  on  your  education  and  training.  The  job  world  of  the  future  will  call  for

                    people  who  have  a  marketable  skill.  Will  you  have  these  skills?  In  these  days  of increasing

                *  complexity  of jobs  and  of professional specializations,  no  one,  whether  young  or  old,  will  be

                    able  to  offer  a  great  versatility  in  the  job  market.

                             Since  the  fastest  growing  occupations  also  call  for  the  most  education  or  specialized  train­

                   ing,  it  becomes  obvious  that  your  chances  for  a  steady,  well-paying  job  in  many  areas  of our

                   economy  will  be  substantially  less  if you  do  not  prepare  yourself  beyond  high  school  to  meet  the


                            May  I  now  congratulate  you  for  your  achievements  to  date,  and  challenge  you  on  to  greater


                                                                                                                                   Your  Guidance Counselor

                                                                                                                                   and  Assistant  Principal,

                                                                                                                                   P.  C.  Rock



                                                                                                   Miss  M.  Broadus

                                                                                                           Secretary                                                                                                                                   ■  Ai n


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