Page 6 - NEW ROSE YEARBOOK 04-18-17_Neat
P. 6



                                                               The  word  "'Wildcat"  automatically  brings  to  the  minds  of the  stu­

                                                     dents  here at Wright  the  word  FIGHT,  This has  been  the  attitude  of

                                                     each  senior  while  engaged  in  the  process  of reaching  this  milestone.

                                                               Whatever  we  are  and  have  been  as  students  is  what  we  are  try­

                                                     ing to  show  in  this  annual.  In  fact,  this  book  mirrors  us.  We have

                                                     tried  to  make  it  the best.  Soon the  whole  world  will have  its  eyes


                                                     focused  on  us  as  we  go  about  our  many  endeavors.

                                                               Therefore,  we  leave  with  you  these  complied  pages-our  only  trade


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