Page 10 - Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News 6-12-15
P. 10
10 June 12, 2015 Desert Lightning News
Critical days of summer upon us
Senior Airman Marcy Copeland said Ben Bruce, 56th Fighter Wing Safety Of- tenance done and properly care for your car.
fice ground safety manger. “We see an increase Check tire pressure, fluid levels and always
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs in accidents from recreational activities such keep a spare tire just in case of a sudden flat.
as boating, hiking, swimming and heat-related Store water and properly packaged food in
LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZO- problems. There is also a high risk for vehicle your car along with an emergency road kit.
NA -- With the beginning of the Critical Days mishaps as people go more places, and as al- Also be mindful of other drivers. You may be
of Summer, we are reminded to make safe de- ways the use of alcohol is a concern.” doing the right thing, but another driver may
cisions this summer. become distracted.
Swimming tends to top the list in Arizona
“The Air Force has been focused on addi- due to extreme heat. According to the Centers A big travel concern among motorist is tex-
tional mishap vulnerabilities during the sum- for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning ting. Texting has become one of the top causes
mer months since 1964,” said Col. James Fisher, is the leading cause of accidental death of chil- for people driving to and from work or on long
Air and Education Training Command director dren ages 1 through 4 with an annual average of road trips. The CDC states that more than nine
of safety. “We recognize the summer months 390 fatalities occurring within that age group. people are killed and more than 1,153 people
put our Airmen at risk more frequently than are injured in crashes that are reported to in-
any other time of year. There were a total of five Drowning can occur within all age groups volve a distracted driver. Texting while driving
fatal mishaps during the summer period over and at any location with a body of water. is also linked with drinking and driving or rid-
the last three years with four of these associat- ing with someone who has been drinking.
ed with either vehicle or motorcycle accidents “Always know who you are with,” said Tech.
Air Force wide.” Sgt. Michael Mavrakis II, 56th FW Safety Of- “Never drink and drive,” Mavrakis said. “Not
fice ground safety NCO-in-charge. “Ask the only are you putting yourself in danger, you’re
Memorial Day marks the beginning of questions, ‘Can you swim? Have you or the putting everyone else on the road in danger, and
the Critical Days of Summer which ends on people you are with had too much to drink?’ we all have families that we want to go home to,
Labor Day. During the spring and summer If so, stop them from swimming. Always keep the same with texting and driving. The message
months, Airmen tend to become more active an eye on children, especially infants, while can wait until you have safely parked your car.”
with a wide range of entertainment options around water.”
to engage in. Safety is not just a critical days of summer
During the summer months, many families issue. It should be considered anytime and ev-
“During the summer months there are more hit the road and drive to a vacation spot. It is erywhere we go. Enjoy the summer.
outside activities that involve our Airmen,” important to have regularly scheduled main-
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