Page 7 - Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News 6-12-15
P. 7

Desert Lightning News                                           June 12, 2015                     7


To post or not – that is the question . . .

Charlotte Hu                                                                   Given the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and Trans-
                                                                               parency in Governance, which requires an open government, why isn’t
Air Force Public Affairs Agency Public Web                                     information more widely available?

   LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA -- With the surge of social me-                   There are limits to what we can share. All formal FOIA requests go
dia and blogging capability, every Airman has not only become a com-           through a detailed vetting process. Additionally, Air Force professionals
municator, but they are also nearly all in the digital publishing business.    must always ensure there are no concerns regarding operational security
                                                                               with the release of information.
   The fundamental principles of the United States’ freedom of expres-
sion are now shared with most of the world, and it has had stunning im-           Information on unit and career field SharePoint sites is intended for
pact, from the fall of the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colom-          specific internal audiences. A conscientious Airman might reason that
bia), a Colombian terrorist organization, to the toppling of dictatorships     the information on his unit’s SharePoint site is not classified. As such, it
throughout the Middle East, as detailed in a Secretary of State speech         doesn’t require protection.
on Internet freedom. Exciting though these developments may be, this
new digital publishing capability has also provided the means to leak             At the bottom of the AFNet SharePoint collection is a privacy notice.
controlled information, perhaps unwittingly.                                   Upon clicking that notice, users will see the following message: “This
                                                                               site is intended for the use of United States government agencies. Do
   It is critical to the safety and security of our Air Force that every Air-  not reproduce or distribute the content of this site to a wider audience
man understand exactly what should and should not be published on              without coordination with the information owner and your unit public
social media or blogs. There are three main elements that should never         affairs office.”
be published on public facing websites, which includes social media
and blogs. Three examples of controlled information that should never             Information from controlled access websites must be carefully vetted
be publically published without proper clearance are information from          before being published on publicly available digital platforms.
any controlled access websites such as the Air Force Portal, information
from unit and career field SharePoint sites and internal email strings.            With recent events in the news highlighting the Global War on
                                                                               Terror, it is critically important that every Airman help protect our
   One question that well-read and intelligent Airmen might ask is:            controlled information.

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