Page 11 - Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News 6-12-15
P. 11
Desert Lightning News June 12, 2015 11
From WATER, Page 3 Chlorine Residual Disinfection is maintained throughout the distribution system. Chlorine
time because of rainfall or agricultural activity. is added to the drinking water supply at well
If you are caring for an infant, ask advice from common radium isotopes. Radium is a naturally sites to provide assurance that water delivered
your health care provider. occurring radionuclide, formed by the decay of to customers will remain free of microbiological
uranium or thorium in the environment. It oc- contamination. This also ensures that the water
Sodium is the sixth most abundant element curs at low concentrations in virtually all rock, meets microbiological drinking water standards
on Earth and is widely distributed in soils, soil, water, plants, and animals. from the time it is pumped from the ground
plants, water, and food. A goal of 2300 mg/day until it reaches the customer’s tap. Chlorine Re-
dietary sodium has been proposed by several Uranium is a metallic element which is highly sidual Disinfectant is measured five days a week
government and health agencies. Drinking toxic and radioactive. from each well and monthly from the sample
water containing between 30 and 60 ppm would stations where the bacteriological samples are
contribute only 2.5 % to 5% of the dietary goal if Lead and Copper are naturally occurring met- collected. The annual chlorine residual disin-
tap water consumption is 2 liters per day. Cur- als which are generally found at very low levels fectant is calculated using the monthly chlorine
rently, there is no MCL for sodium in drinking in source waters. If present, elevated levels of averages for the past 12 months.
water. The recommended EPA guidance level lead can cause serious health problems, espe-
for individuals on a very low sodium diet (500 cially for pregnant women and young children. Coliform Bacteria are commonly found in the
mg/day) is 20 ppm in drinking water. Drinking Lead in drinking water is primarily from mate- environment and in the digestive tract of ani-
water does not play a significant role in sodium rials and components associated with service mals. While rarely harmful, coliform bacteria in
exposure for most individuals. Those who are lines and home plumbing. The BEF is respon- drinking water are indicators that the water may
under treatment for sodium-sensitive hyper- sible for providing high quality drinking water, also contain harmful microorganisms. In 2014,
tension should consult with their health care but cannot control the variety of materials used there were zero positive total coliform samples
provider regarding sodium levels in their drink- in plumbing components. If water in your for the entire year. (The MCL is 1 per month.)
ing water supply and the advisability of using an home has been sitting for several hours, you
alternative water source or point-of-use treat- can minimize the potential for lead exposure by For more information please contact:
ment to reduce the sodium. flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes Contact Name: SSgt Audrey S. Fields
before using water for drinking or cooking. If Unit: 355 AMDS/SGPB
Alpha emitters are a measure of radioactivity you are concerned about lead in your water, you Address: 4175 S. Alamo Ave Bldg. 417
due to naturally occurring minerals in ground- may wish to have your water tested. Informa- Davis Monthan AFB, AZ 85707
water. This excludes the radioactivity contrib- tion on lead in drinking water, testing methods, Phone: (520) 228-5369, DSN: 228-5369
uted by either radon or uranium. and steps you can take to minimize exposure is
available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline
Radium 226 and 228 are two of the most or at
United Community Health Center
@ Old Vail Middle School
13299 E. Colossal Cave Rd.
Vail AZ 85641
(520) 762-5200