Page 4 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
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STEM a major focus of Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show

     When Brig. Gen. Matthew Higer, 412th Test   “Our AV-East Kern STEM network is also a   planning on sharing the classes on other platforms   Higer emphasized that this year, Edwards is
   Wing commander, announced in June that the Ed-  proud partner in hosting our 8th annual STEM-  such as Facebook and YouTube.   taking the air show to the people.
   wards Air Show scheduled for October would be   posium throughout the week, including some   “We’re using multiple platforms for the STEM   “We really are focusing on taking this to the
   a ‘hybrid’ air show, no one was sure what exactly   outstanding student and industry presentations,”   program,” said Stuart. “And while there’s a limit   people in the medium that’s available,” he said.
   that would look like.                Walker said. “These include both elementary,   on the number of people that can use the Zoom   “Monday-Thursday in the STEM and virtual
     Now, after several months of planning, that vi-  middle and high school presentation and presen-  platform, we’re also going to push the same   STEM environment, we are taking it out to any-
   sion is becoming clearer – and with it an emphasis   tations from industry partners such as Lockheed   content out live to YouTube and Facebook and   one who has access; not just those who would
   on STEM (science, technology, engineering and   Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Virgin Ga-  possibly other platforms, so there’s no limit on   normally be able to bus in, so there’s really no
   mathematics) education.              lactic and some post-secondary presentations as   participation that way.”  geographical limit on the schools that can register
     “We had already planned to do a robust vir-  well; so we’re very happy to be a part of it.”  Some of the subjects for the STEM classes in-  and the students that can learn and participate in
   tual STEM buildup, but the weight of effort has   As of Sept. 15, more than 7,000 students have   clude: Four Forces of Flight and Newton’s 3rd   this. That’s taking this part of the ‘air show to the
   shifted to Monday through Thursday of air show   registered for the STEM classes and there is no   Law; Balance LAV Payload; Waves And Their   people’ in a very broad sense.”
   week,” said Higer.                   deadline for registration.            Applications; Shock Absorbing Landing System;   For more information on the Aerospace Val-
     There will be four days of virtual, online STEM   The Zoom platform has a maximum capacity   Motion, Energy and Stability; History of Flight;   ley Air Show, including STEM sign ups, visit
   classes for elementary, middle and high school   of 10,000 people, but the air show team is also   Air Traffic Control; and Urban Air Mobility.
   students, as well as a class each day for Spanish
   language students.                    During the morning lessons, students can text questions to 507-EDW-STEM
     As of Sept. 12, more than 10,000 local students
   had signed up for the STEM webinars.
     The STEM program runs from 8 a.m. until 4
   p.m., Oct. 5-8.
     Each day starts with one-hour STEM lessons
   for elementary, middle and high school students.
   There is also a Spanish session for our second
   language learners and bilingual students. Interac-
   tive, virtual STEM classes run 8 a.m.-9 a.m. for
   elementary students, 9-10 a.m. for middle school
   students, 10-11 a.m. for high school students, and   STEM WEBINAR SCHEDULE, OCTOBER 5-8, 2020
   11 a.m.-noon for Spanish language students.
     Visit to download in-    TIME                 Monday                Tuesday              Wednesday               Thursday
   structions as well as a list of supplies needed for                Oct. 5                 Oct. 6                Oct. 7                Oct. 8
   the different activities on each day.
     “I think it will be very helpful for parents, stu-
                                                                                                              Lesson: Waves & Their
   dents and teachers,” said Higer. And for those   8-9 a.m.   Lesson: 4 Forces of Flight  &  Lesson: Balance LAV Payload  Applications in Technologies  Lesson: History of Flight
                                                                                                                                       Activity: Sled Kite
                                                                                        Activity: Launch Abort
                                                                   Newton’s 3rd Law
   teachers who are concerned about their existing   Elementary  Activity: 3...2...1... Takeoff!  Vehicle mass properties  for Information Transfer
   curriculum, Edwards has thought of that as well.                                                           Activity: Sound Waves
     “Helida Vanhoy has mapped our hours to Com-  9-10 a.m.    Lesson: 4 Forces of Flight &  Lesson: Balance LAV Payload  Lesson: Students will use the  Lesson: Air Traffic Control
   mon Core standards and other standard curriculum   Middle School  Newton’s 3rd Law   Activity: Launch Abort  Engineering Design Process  Activity: Smart Skies
   standards, so that (teachers) can potentially offset         Activity: 3...2...1... Takeoff!  Vehicle mass properties  to design and build a shock
   their curriculum throughout the rest of their grad-                                                      absorbing system for landing
                                                                                                               Activity: Touchdown
   ing period, and know what learning benefit we are   10-11 a.m.  Lesson: 4  Forces of Flight  &  Lesson: Balance LAV Payload  Lesson: Motion, Energy &  Lesson: Urban Air Mobility/
   going to help them instruct, and maybe even be                Pythagorean Theorem    Activity: Launch Abort  Stability of a falling object  Advanced Air Mobility
   principal guest instructors on,” Higer said.  High School    Activity: Shape your Flight  Vehicle mass properties  when landing    Activity: Rotor Motor
     Vanhoy is the 412th Test Wing STEM coor-                                                                  Activity: Eggstronaut-    (Modified)
                                                                                                               parachute challenge
   dinator, and Aerospace Valley Air Show STEM                 Lesson: 4 Forces of Flight  &  Lesson: Balance LAV Payload  Lesson: Students will use the  Lesson: Air Traffic Control,
   Boss.                                    11 a.m.-noon           Newton’s 3rd Law/    Activity: Launch Abort  Engineering Design Process  Urban Air Mobility/Advanced
     “For teachers, we have classes they can con-  Spanish, K-12  Pythagorean Theorem  Vehicle mass properties  to design and build a shock  Air Mobility
   nect to, with next-generation science standards              Activity: 3...2...1... Takeoff/             absorbing system for landing  Activity: Smart Skies, Shape
                                                                                                                                         your Flight
                                                                                                               Activity: Touchdown
                                                                   Shape your Flight
   and common core state standards,” said Vanhoy.
     “Keep in mind, for the career readiness schools,   Noon-1 p.m.  EAFB Video Presentation  EAFB Video Presentation  EAFB Video Presentation  EAFB Panel
   we also have career subject matter experts that   Video Tours
   will be presenting and sharing their experiences
   with you, as well as answering any questions you
                                                                  Flight Test Museum
   may have,” she added.                       1-2 p.m.        Foundation: STEALTH 101  Northrop Grumman: Wildlife  Boeing: A Day in the Life of a  Northrop Grumman: Build
                                                                                                                Design Engineer
                                                                                        Challenge Operation
                                                                                                                                       the Perfect Flyer!
                                             Community                                      #PolarEye          EAFB: Archeological
   Edwards AFB virtual tour                   Partners          Antelope Valley Union High                   Curation: How did Native
     As part of the STEM presentation, Monday                   School District: Preparing                  Americans Make Arrowheads
                                                                 for your career in STEM
                                                                                                            Out of Stone? – A Lesson in
   through Wednesday, we’ll see videos about                                                                    Ancient Physics
   Edwards Air Force Base. The presentations run
                                                                                                              U.S. Air Force Plant 42:
   noon-1 p.m., and will be introduced by base   2-3 p.m.        U.S. Test Pilot School &  Boeing: F/A-18 Advanced  Human Body Flight, the  Civil Air Patrol: Design,
                                                                                                                                         Build, Fly
                                                                                       Sensors: Basic Airborne
                                                                 SKYLARK North: Glider
   leadership — Brig. Gen. Matthew Higer, 412th   Community         Flight Controls    Radar Principles and My  Fundamentals of Flight
   Test Wing commander, Col. Randel J. Gordon,   Partners                               Journey from Intern to  Through the Eyes of
   412th TW vice commander, or Chief Master Sgt.                                      Lockheed Martin: STEM and
   Ian D. Eishen, 412th TW command chief master                                              Drones
   sergeant. The series culminates Thursday with
   a moderated Edwards AFB panel discussion.   3-4 p.m.        3-3:05 p.m. — Introduction to  3-3:05 p.m. — Welcome &  3-3:05 p.m. — Welcome &  3-3:05 p.m. — Welcome &
   Students can submit questions for the panel to   STEMposium: STEM  AV East Kern STEM Network,  Introduction, Duane  Introduction, Scott Hampton  Introduction, Randy Scott
   507-EDW-STEM.                                                   Dr. Khalil Dajani        Robinson          3:05-3:30 p.m. — Use of  3:05-3:30 p.m. — Engaging
     This is followed by presentations from com-  and  Additive  3:03-3:10 p.m. — Posting of  3:05-3:30 p.m. — Using VR in  Carbon Composites in Space  Students through Satellite
                                                                                       Aerospace Technologies,
                                                                                                             Vehicles, Shane Furlong,
                                                                     the Colors
                                                                                                                                     Research, Prof. David
   munity partners, running from 1 to 2 p.m.  Manufacturing in an  3:10-3:30 p.m. — Opening  Tech. Sgt. Darryl Gaines,  The Spaceship Company  Barnhart, USC; sponsored
     From 3-4 p.m. daily, there will be a STEM-  Ever-Changing  Remarks: Brig. Gen. Matthew  912th ASMX/MXAB  3:30-3:35 p.m. — Mojave  by the California Aerospace
                                                                                                             Junior/Senior High School
   posium.                                      World           W. Higer, 412th Test Wing  3:30-3:35 p.m. — AVC STEM  Engineering/Robotics Club,  Technologies Institute of
     “High quality, engaging, hands-on STEM ac-                3:30-3:50 p.m. — 3D Printing  3:30-3:55 p.m. — Flying with  Mojave Unified School  3:30-3:35 p.m. — Fulton &
   tivities for all of our students really helps fuel           Technology Applications  Additive Technologies, Gina  District      Alsbury STEM Academy,
                                                                during COVID-19; Master
                                                                                                                                    Lancaster School District
   their aspirations and goals and lets them see               Sgt. Jason Greenwell, 412th  Woullard, Northrop  3:30-3:55 p.m. — How It’s  3:35-3:55 p.m. — Millennial
                                                                                                               Made: Solid Rocket
   themselves in these fields as they grow up,” said                    TW                                    Propellants, Dr. Joseph  Manufacturing: A Panel of
   Diane Walker, STEM community coordinator                     3:50-3:55 p.m. — Palmdale                   Kalman, Cal State Univ. Long  Early Career Skunks on
   and a founding member of the Antelope Valley                 High School Solar Falcon                            Beach           Advanced Manufacturing
                                                                     Race Team
                                                                                                                                    and Rapid Prototyping in
   East Kern STEM Network. “I truly believe that                 3:55-4 p.m. — Closing                                             Today’s Landscape, Shawn
   the more these opportunities are available and                     Remarks                                                      Parsons, Lockheed Martin
                                                                                                                                     3:55-4 p.m. — Closing
   filled locally, the better it is for our community                                                                              Remarks, Dr. Khalil Dajani
   as a whole.”
                                                          Aerotech News and Review
   4                                    ........             October 5-10, 2020
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