Page 6 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
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Edwards Air Force Base has long, storied history

   The natural setting           mineral wealth. In 1882, the Santa Fe   First formed in the Pleistocene Epoch
     For newcomers to the area, the Mo-  Railroad ran a line westward out of   and featuring an extremely flat, smooth
   jave Desert can seem barren and un-  Barstow toward Mojave and built a   and concrete-like surface, Rogers Dry
   inviting, with never-ending vistas of   water stop at the edge of an immense   Lakebed is a playa — or pluvial lake
   Joshua trees and sagebrush. Daytime   dry lakebed, roughly 20 miles south-  — that spreads out over 44 square
   temperatures can run into triple digits,   east of Mojave. The lonely water stop   miles, making it the largest such geo-
   while nighttime lows can fall below   was known simply as “Rod,” and the   logical formation in the world.
   freezing.                     lakebed was then called Rodriguez Dry   Its parched clay and silt surface un-
     Until the Southern Pacific Railroad   Lake.               dergoes a timeless cycle of renewal
   arrived in 1876, the desert was popu-  By the early 1900s, “Rodriguez”   each year, as water from winter rains is
   lated mostly by occasional prospectors   had been anglicized into “Rodgers,”   swept back and forth by desert winds,
   drifting endlessly in pursuit of elusive   which was then shortened to “Rogers.”   smoothing it out to an almost glass-
                                                               like flatness.

                                                               The homesteaders
                                                                 In 1910, the Corum family settled
                                                               at the edge of Rogers Dry Lake. In ad-
                                                               dition to raising alfalfa and turkeys,
                                                               they located other homesteaders in the
                                                               area for a fee of $1 per acre. As those
                                                               settlers moved in, the Corum broth-
                                                               ers earned contracts for drilling water                                     Air Force photograph
                                                               wells and clearing land. They also   Jan 16, 1936: A delegation of officers from Headquarters, Pacific Coast Air
                                                               opened a general store and post office.  Force, inspected the Muroc Bombing and Gunnery Range. At that time, the
                                                                 Their request to have the post office   housing facilities consisted of tents set up for up to 65 men, and a permanent
                                                               stop named “Corum” was disallowed   kitchen building. The bombing range was west of the lakebed and included
                                                               because there was already a Coram,   outline targets of various aircraft types, a battleship and several buildings. Some
                                                               Calif. So they simply reversed the   3,000 bombs had been dropped in the preceding 20-day period.
                                                               spelling of their name and named it   “Hap” Arnold, saw it as a one-of-a-  present-day Edwards, served the Army
                                                               “Muroc.” Small, isolated homesteads
                                                               dotted the land over the next 20 years.  kind “natural aerodrome” — one that   Air Corps’ bombers and fighters for
                                                                                             could be acquired at virtually no cost   several years.
                                                               The airmen arrive             to the taxpayer.                With the arrival of World War II,
                                                 Courtesy photograph  The early homesteaders thought of   Thus, in September 1933, the Muroc   a permanent base sprang up for the
   The Corum family, who settled near Rogers Dry Lake on May 18, 1916. Clifford   Rogers Dry Lakebed as a wasteland.   Bombing and Gunnery Range was es-  training of combat flight crews. In
   Corum and his wife Effie are second and third from left, and Clifford’s brother   However, a visionary Airman com-  tablished by Arnold. This remote train-  July 1942, it was activated as a sepa-
   Ralph is on the right.
                                                               manding March Field, Lt. Col. H. H.   ing site, now a small enclave within   See EDWARDS, Page 7

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
   6                                    ........             October 5-10, 2020
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