Page 7 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
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EDWARDS, from 6
          rate post and designated Muroc Army   both Air Force and Navy — under-  By that time, the base had already
          Air Base.                     went testing at Muroc, and the great   become the reigning center of Ameri-
           Throughout the war years, B-24s   lakebed served as a welcome haven to   can flight research and on June 25,
          thundered through the Muroc skies and   countless pilots in distress. Col. Albert   1951, this fact was finally officially
          P-38s strafed the targets on the range,   Boyd, Chief of the Flight Test Division   recognized when its test community
          as bomber crews and fighter pilots pre-  in the late 1940s, declared the lakebed   was designated the U.S. Air Force
          pared to do battle overseas.  “God’s gift to the Air Force.”  Flight Test Center, or AFFTC. That
                                          The success of these programs at-  same year, the U.S. Air Force Air Ma-
          Strange shapes in the sky     tracted a new type of research activity   teriel Command Experimental Test
           In the meantime, wartime develop-  to the base in late 1946. The rocket-  Pilot School moved to Edwards from
          ment of military aviation overwhelmed   powered Bell X-1 was the first in a   Wright Field, Ohio.
          Wright Field in Ohio with an immense   long series of experimental airplanes   Its curriculum focused on the tradi-
          volume of flight test work. It was nec-  designed to prove or disprove aero-  tional field of performance testing and
          essary to find a remote location with   nautical concepts — to probe the most   the relatively new field of stability
          good flying weather where a new top-  challenging unknowns of flight and   and control, which had suddenly as-
          secret airplane could safely undergo   solve its mysteries.  sumed increased importance with the
          tests.                          On Oct. 14, 1947, Capt. Charles E.   dramatic increases in speed offered by
           In the spring of 1942, a site was   “Chuck” Yeager flew the small bullet-  the new turbojets.
          chosen alongside the north shore of   shaped airplane to become the first
          Rogers Dry Lakebed, about six miles   human to exceed the speed of sound.   The Golden Age of Flight Test
          away from the training base at Muroc.   With the X-1, flight testing at Muroc   The decade of the 1950s was a
          A wooden hangar and rudimentary fa-  began to assume two distinct identi-  remarkable period in the history of
          cilities sprang up and on Oct. 1, 1942,   ties. Highly experimental research pro-  aviation, and there was no better evi-
          Bell test pilot Bob Stanley lifted the   grams — such as the X-3, X-4, X-5   dence of this than what transpired at
          wheels of the Bell XP-59A Airacomet   and XF-92A — were typically flown   Edwards. If the concept seemed fea-
          off the enormous, flat surface of the   in conjunction with the National Ad-  sible — or even just desirable — it
          dry lakebed. The turbojet revolution   visory Committee for Aeronautics,   was evaluated in the skies above the
          had arrived. America’s first jet plane   or NACA, and were conducted in a   sprawling 301,000-acre base. Experi-
          was shortly joined by a second, the   methodical fashion to answer largely   mental rocket planes continued to ex-
          famed Lockheed XP-80 Shooting Star.  theoretical questions. Then, as now,   pand the boundaries of the high-speed
           As revolutionary as these two ex-  the great bulk of flight testing at Muroc   and stratospheric frontiers.
          perimental fighter planes were, the   focused on evaluations of the capabili-  As the decade opened, the first-
          natural runways of the lakebed served   ties of aircraft and systems proposed   generation X-1 reached Mach 1.45
          them well. The first-generation turbo-  for the operational inventory.  (957 mph) and a 71,902-foot altitude,
          jet engines had a nasty habit of flam-  In  December  1949,  Muroc  was   representing the edge of the envelope.                        Air Force photograph
          ing out, and the Airacomet required an   renamed Edwards Air Force Base in   The D-558-II Douglas Skyrocket soon
          extremely long takeoff roll.  honor of Capt. Glen W. Edwards, who   surpassed these marks. In 1951, Doug-  U.S. Air Force test pilots in front of the Experimental Test Pilot School, which
                                                                                                    was transferred from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, to Edwards AFB,
           During the postwar years, all of   was killed a year earlier in the crash of             Calif., on Feb. 4, 1951.
          America’s first generation of jets —   the YB-49 Flying Wing.        See EDWARDS, Page 8

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                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
          October 5-10, 2020                   ........                                    7
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