Page 16 - Desert Lightning News 8-7-15
P. 16
16 August 7, 2015 Desert Lightning News
From EDUCATION, Page 6 he added. “They’ve produced a free assess- Local Briefs
ment and made it public last month. We’ve had
engineer and surface warfare officer, said there’s 250,000 people who’ve been on, and they’ve Soak & Sip at the Outdoor Pool
also a core set of skills students need in order to done a million practice questions, practicing Aug. 13, 5:30-8 p.m. – Outdoor Pool
be successful in college. new skills in reading, writing and analyzing
graphs to explain them. Fun evening planned for D-M residents 21-yrs old
He said the College Board is using innova- and up. Come enjoy some music and drinks while re-
tion to redesign the SAT. Instead of just having “If they’re not getting it, they can get real laxing in the pool. Bring your own float. No outside
students take the SAT in their senior year and feedback and a personalized plan that can ac- food or drinks. Beverages and Food WILL be avail-
assess what they haven’t learned, Buckley said, tually help them improve,” Buckley continued. able for purchase. Cost $5/person.
they can now take a suite of assessments start- “We’re not just coming in and grading them at
ing in the eighth grade. The tests will provide the end. We’re trying to build an infrastructure White water rafting and camping
diagnostic feedback in key areas such as reading and figure out where they need help and get Aug. 20 – 24 – Grand Canyon
and writing, which will inform students wheth- them that help.”
er they are on track, Buckley said. Enjoy an adventure through the Grand Canyon by
way of the Colorado River. Cost is $310/person. Call
“We’ve also partnered with Khan Academy,”
See BRIEFS, Page 17
Hometown News
Army Pvt. Leila Y. Araiza Zozaya week program that included training in military Alvarez-Carrillo and grandson of Delores Carrillo
Army Pvt. Leila Y. Araiza Zozaya has gradu- discipline and studies, Air Force core values, of Tucson, Ariz. He is also the nephew of Alex Car-
ated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles rillo of Austin, Texas, Tisa Carrillo of Palo Alto,
Columbia, S.C. and skills. Airmen who complete basic training Calif., Monica Carrillo of Bellingham, Wash., and
During the nine weeks of training, the sol- earn four credits toward an associate in applied nephew of Carlos B. Alvarez of Pueblo, Colo.
dier studied the Army mission, history, tradi- science degree through the Community College
tion and core values, physical fitness, and re- of the Air Force. The airman graduated in 2015 from Tucson
ceived instruction and practice in basic combat High Magnet School, Tucson, Ariz.
skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and Jackman is the son of John Jackman of An-
bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, chorage, Alaska, and Susan Jackman of Tuc- Airman 1st Class Romy C. Phillips
rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed com- son, Ariz. Air Force Reserve Airman 1st Class Romy
bat, map reading, field tactics, military cour- C. Phillips graduated from basic military train-
tesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot He is a 2011 graduate of Sahuaro High School, ing at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San
marches, and field training exercises. Tucson, Ariz. Antonio, Texas.
Araiza Zozaya is the niece of Maria L. Araiza The airman completed an intensive, eight-week
of Tucson, Ariz. Airman Omar I. Chaira program that included training in military disci-
She is a 2014 graduate of Pima Vocational Air Force Airman Omar I. Chaira graduated pline and studies, Air Force core values, physical
High School, Tucson, Ariz. from basic military training at Joint Base San fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Air-
Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. men who complete basic training earn four cred-
Airman Agustin A. Morales The airman completed an intensive, eight- its toward an associate in applied science degree
Air Force Airman Agustin A. Morales gradu- week program that included training in military through the Community College of the Air Force.
ated from basic military training at Joint Base discipline and studies, Air Force core values, Phillips is the daughter of Susanne Phillips of
San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. physical fitness, and basic warfare principles Tucson, Ariz.
The airman completed an intensive, eight- and skills. Airmen who complete basic training She graduated in 2010 from Mountain View
week program that included training in military earn four credits toward an associate in applied High School, Tucson, Ariz., and she earned a bach-
discipline and studies, Air Force core values, science degree through the Community College elor’s degree in 2014 from the University of Arizo-
physical fitness, and basic warfare principles of the Air Force. na, Tucson, Ariz.
and skills. Airmen who complete basic training Chaira is the son of Martha Z. Chaira and
earn four credits toward an associate in applied nephew of Eric N. Chaira, both of Tucson, Ariz. Airman Charles Spallino
science degree through the Community College He is a 2013 graduate of Sahuarita High Air Force Airman Charles Spallino graduated
of the Air Force. School, Sahuarita, Ariz. from basic military training at Joint Base San Anto-
Morales is the son of Agustin Morales of Oro nio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.
Valley, Ariz., and Angelica Baltier of New York, Airman Emiliano Alvarez-Carrillo The airman completed an intensive, eight-week
N.Y., grandson of Diana Rohrbacher of Tucson, Air Force Airman Emiliano Alvarez-Carrillo program that included training in military disci-
Ariz., brother of Alexia M. Morales. graduated from basic military training at Joint pline and studies, Air Force core values, physical
He is a 2014 graduate of Ironwood Ridge Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Air-
High School, Oro Valley, Ariz. The airman completed an intensive, eight- men who complete basic training earn four cred-
week program that included training in military its toward an associate in applied science degree
Airman Paul D. Jackman discipline and studies, Air Force core values, through the Community College of the Air Force.
Air Force Airman Paul D. Jackman graduated physical fitness, and basic warfare principles Spallino is the son of Paige Tracy and Charles
from basic military training at Joint Base San and skills. Airmen who complete basic training Spallino of Tucson, Ariz. He is also the brother of
Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. earn four credits toward an associate in applied Stevie Spallino.
The airman completed an intensive, eight- science degree through the Community College The airman graduated in 2014 from Sabino High
of the Air Force. School, Tucson, Ariz.
Alvarez-Carrillo is the son of Natalie and Gabriel