Page 12 - Desert Lightning News 8-7-15
P. 12

12                                                    August 7, 2015                                        Desert Lightning News

Pursue education for career’s sake

Commentary by Staff Sgt. Michael Gorske               office programs and computer skills including Ac-                                           (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Technical Sgt. Dan Heaton)
                                                      cess, Excel, Word, Power Point and how to type.
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron                                                                         the military. A bachelor’s degree can provide an
                                                         By the time an individual completes an edu-        enlisted person with the opportunity to acquire a
   LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Arizona -- Every-             cation, the time management balancing act and         commission. This paper may also boost the con-
one knows education can be a good bullet on           computer use has become second nature, and the        fidence of its holder or provide the holder special
an enlisted performance report, but few know          individual is instinctively applying this to all as-  rights in the case of a license.
the true value of an education in regard to a         pects of life to include a military career.
military career.                                                                                               One can use education as a bullet for an en-
                                                         No matter what education one pursues, the          listed performance report, but do not forget the
   The pursuit of an education can be just as         knowledge learned is going to affect the person’s      true value of having an education. The skills
valuable as the degree acquired at the end. The       perception of the world. This new perspective         acquired pursuing an education are priceless.
knowledge acquired in the pursuit of an educa-        can positively change how business is done. If one    Changing one’s perspective through education
tion can shape the way one does business. The         pursues management or business, they can di-          can change the way things are done and the
piece of paper we call a degree has a number of       rectly apply that information to how things should    ideas that are formed. Lastly, acquiring a de-
implications that can set you apart from the rest.    be run and attempt to implement a system of ef-       gree, certificate or license can be a door to op-
                                                      ficiency. If the education pursued is not related to   portunities in and out of the military.
   Pursuing an education may be a challenge at        what one does in a career, the unique perspective
first. After taking a couple classes, they gradually   given by that education is still valuable.
become easier. The reality of the situation is, the
classes did not become easier, but the individual        Ideas and improvements can take shape and
taking the classes has become better at time man-     stem from things unrelated or not yet connected.
agement or has acquired skills to pass the class.
Turning in papers on time, doing assignments, or         Depending on the type of education pursued,
progressively working on projects all while bal-      one may be rewarded with a piece of paper known
ancing a military career and social life takes prac-  as a degree, license or certificate. This paper is a
tice and dedication. In order to complete many of     symbol of hard work and dedication and can be
the assignments, the individual may have to learn     used to boost one’s footing when it comes to pack-
                                                      ages and career opportunities both in and out of

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