Page 10 - Desert Lightning News 8-7-15
P. 10

10  August 7, 2015                                                                                Desert Lightning News

Jamming the enemy with joint integration

Airman First Class Cheyenne Morigeau                                                              can be challenging.” Leach said. “When everyone is on their game and
                                                                                                  working as a team, the result is one of the most rewarding feelings you
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                                 can experience.”

   Walking the halls of the 41st Electronic Combat Squadron is an un-                                Leach has a total of 1018 flying hours with the EA-6B Prowler which
familiar uniform. Leaving the flight deck of the EA-6B Prowler behind                             has an airspeed of 575 mph whereas the EC-130H Compass Call has an
for a few years, U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Jonathon Leach from Marine                               airspeed of 300 mph.  
Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina, joins the Desert Light-
ning Team.                                                                                           “The prowler is a tactical jet, so it is much closer to the fight and has a
                                                                                                  greater ability to escape with more maneuverability.” Leach said. “As far
   Leach is part of a three-year inter-service exchange program where                             as the EC-130, is a standoff jamming platform and you have to take into
he will be flying on the EC-130H Compass Call as a mission crew com-                              account the threat environment both air and ground, because it’s not as
mander with the 41st ECS. While Leach learns about the EC-130’s capa-                             fast as the other aircraft that are out there.”
bilities to educate the Marine Corps when he returns, he also teaches the
Airmen of the 55th ECG about the EA-6B Prowler’s capabilities.                                       Despite the differences, the aircraft still work together to complete the
                                                                                                  mission given. Once downrange, all branches come together to work as a
   “I am here until 2017,” said Leach. “I will be sharing tactics, techniques,                    team to complete the mission.
and procedures to help educate the Air Force about how the Marine
Corps integrates its assets, to include the Prowler, into its overall scheme                         “Both are used for electronic combat, but they support different as-
of maneuver warfare; and how best to employ other joint assets, like the                          pects. The prowler is primarily a radar jamming platform whereas the
EC-130, into that big picture. While here I will also share tactics, tech-                        EC-130 is primarily a communication jamming platform.” Leach said.
niques, and procedures from the Air Force and EC-130 community with                               “The electronic warfare aircraft come together as a team (downrange)
my Marine colleagues so both communities are able to benefit from this                            to maximize their strengths and remove the enemy’s ability to use the
exchange program. As well as take in what the EC-130 does and share                               electromagnetic spectrum.”
that with my colleagues back on the Prowler.”
                                                                                                     Throughout the year that Leach has been here he has worked with
   Despite being a Marine for 18 years, Leach said the switch to working                          pilots, navigators, linguists and electronic warfare officers from the 55th
with the Air Force has been smooth.                                                               Electronic Combat Group.

   “It’s been a great transition,” Leach said. “The Air Force is an outstand-                        “It’s pretty cool to have a Marine here,” said Senior Airman Tevin Wal-
ing and professional organization that has and made me feel right at                              lace, 41st ECS linguist. “We get to see the other side and hear some of
home from the moment I stepped on base about a year ago.”                                         the stories.”

   After spending six years flying on the EA-6B Prowler, Leach had to grow                           Leach is excited about working with the 41st ECS and plans on giv-
accustomed to the differences of aircrew on the EC-130H Compass Call.                             ing everything he has to offer. “Wherever I’m most needed to provide
                                                                                                  the most benefit to the group, that’s where I’ll head with a smile to share
   “One of the biggest differences on the EC-130 is we have enlisted fly-                         what I have to offer with who I train.” Leach said. “The 55th ECG is a great
ers, whereas the Prowler there are only three to four officers working                            environment and a great team. I couldn’t ask for a greater group of indi-
together with a mission crew, comprised of eight different mission crew                           viduals to work with over the next two years. They’re truly professional
positions and coordinating with four crew positions on the flight deck                            and excellent aviators up and down the spectrum.”

                                                                                                     (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Cheyenne Morigeau)

U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Jonathon Leach, 41st Electronic Combat Squadron mission crew com-         U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Jonathon Leach, 41st Electronic Combat Squadron mission crew com-
mander stands with U.S. Air Force EC-130H Compass Call crew members on the flightline at          mander stands with U.S. Air Force Airman EC-130H Compass Call navigator at Davis-Monthan
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, July 31. He is part of a three-year inter-service exchange program  Air Force Base, July 31. Leach is from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NC, he is part of a
where he flies with Airmen from the 41st ECS. Leach is from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry       three-year inter-service exchange program where he will be flying on the EC-130H Compass Call
Point, N.C.                                                                                       with the 41st ECS. Throughout the year that Leach has been here he has worked with airmen
                                                                                                  from the 55th Electronic Combat Group to include pilots, navigators, and analysis operators.
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