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Desert Lightning News August 7, 2015 7
TRICARE Online and MiCare have similarities, differences
Air Force Surgeon General Public Affairs deductibles, and to obtain proof of medical in- and documented in the personal health record.
surance. This is because TRICARE is for medi- This feature enables off-base medical providers
WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- TRICARE Online cal insurance coverage and addresses issues and to have more insight into the personal health
and MiCare Secure Messaging may seem to offer tasks related to activities that involve healthcare story of their patients.
the same services, but there are important differ- insurance, explained Johnson.
ences to these software tools, which are designed to “It may initially seem confusing that there (are)
enhance access to care for all military beneficiaries. In comparison, MiCare is focused on secure both TRICARE Online and MiCare, but each tool
messaging communication between patients and has its potential benefits for those patients who
“Both programs are endorsed by the Military their healthcare teams. desire to use them,” Johnson said. “Even though
Heath System, and although they may seem very beneficiaries may use either tool to schedule an
similar, in actuality there are a few differences,” “Using secure messaging promotes better ac- appointment or review their lab results, only Mi-
said Col. Gwendolyn Johnson, the chief of Air cess to care for patients who need clinical advice Care can be used for secure communication to
Force secure messaging at the Air Force Medical or assistance from their healthcare teams,” John- the healthcare team.”
Operations Agency. “While they do have some son said. “This is one of the reasons MiCare is
features in common, it is up to our beneficiaries considered a valued service across the military For more information on TRICARE Online
to decide which tool they desire to use.” health system. Not only does MiCare ease com- and MiCare Secure Messaging, contact a local
munication between patients and clinical staff, it military treatment facility.
In both TRICARE Online and MiCare, benefi- also allows patients to access robust patient edu-
ciaries can validate medication lists and obtain cation materials regarding their medical condi-
test results, including labs. Both systems can fa- tions or illnesses.”
cilitate appointments. With TRICARE Online,
beneficiaries can schedule available appoint- An additional unique feature of MiCare is the
ments themselves, whereas with MiCare, benefi- “Health Record” or “Personal Health Record.”
ciaries can request appointments via secure mes- This tool can be used to collect, track and share
saging. Once the appointment request is made, past and current information of the beneficiary’s
clinic staff will schedule an appointment with the health. For example, when referred to new off-
provider as soon as possible. base medical providers for care, the personal
health record is a source of health information
Another great feature with TRICARE Online which can prevent providers from repeating rou-
is that it allows patients to track their claims and tine medical tests that have already been done
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