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2 August 7, 2015 Desert Lightning News
AF implements restricted endorsement, stratification for E-8 EPRs
NEWS Debbie Gildea based on the total number of time-in-grade and time-in-service
promotion-eligible master sergeants and senior master sergeants
Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs a senior rater has. Senior raters will no longer be authorized to
stratify their promotion-eligible senior NCOs based on the joint
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) service population and grade.
-- Restricted senior rater endorsement and stratification for senior
NCO enlisted performance reports will be implemented in conjunc- For example, if a senior rater has 200 senior master sergeants, but
tion with the July 31 senior master sergeant EPR closeout date. only 100 are TIG/TIS promotion eligible, the senior rater may en-
dorse up to 20 of the eligible senior master sergeants by marking the
Endorsement and stratification restrictions for senior NCOs are appropriate block on the EPR form. The senior rater can also provide
part of ongoing Air Force enlisted evaluation and promotion system a written stratification in the push-line like “my #1 of 100 SMSgts”
changes underway since July 2014. if the rater chooses. Senior raters also have the option to endorse a
member without including stratification.
Announced in June, restrictions will limit the number of en-
dorsements a senior rater may give to their promotion-eligible Only the senior rater may include written stratification on
master sergeants and senior master sergeants. Senior raters will EPRs for senior NCOs they endorse. Lower-level stratification
be restricted to endorsing only the top 20 percent of their senior and stratification by deputy and intermediate evaluators is pro-
master sergeants eligible for promotion to chief master sergeant hibited, to include lower-level stratification on those evalua-
and the top 10 percent of their master sergeants eligible for pro- tions endorsed by the senior rater.
motions to senior master sergeant.
Additional information on restricted endorsement and stratifica-
This percentage correlates with historical promotion rates for tion, and other changes to the evaluation and promotion systems,
each grade. are available on the myPers Enlisted Evaluation System and Weight-
ed Airman Promotion System changes page.
In addition to endorsements, senior raters have the option to in-
clude written stratification in their optional comment or “push-line” For more information about Air Force personnel programs go to
in the final evaluator’s comments section on Air Force Form 911, the the myPers website. Individuals who do not have a myPers account
EPR for master sergeant through senior master sergeant, which was can request one by following the instructions on the Air Force Retir-
released July 31. ees Services website.
Senior rater endorsement and stratification authorizations are
AFSOUTH works with partner nations in annual exercise
Tech. Sgt. Heather R. Redman among participating nations. En- he recognized that we are all from (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Adam Grant)
suring the security of the Panama different nations but brought the
12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) Public Affairs Canal scenario effectively facilitates exercise team together as the Peruvian Maj. Gen. Mario Contreras, direc-
international exchanges. Air Forces for the multi-national tor of the Central Hospital of the Peruvian
Members of 12th Air Force forces commander.” Air Force, and U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Don-
(Air Forces Southern) came In PANAMAX 2015, the in- ald Lindberg, 12th AF (AFSOUTH) mobiliza-
together with 19 other part- teroperability was enhanced by the One of the most important tion assistant to the commander, exchange
ner nations in a U.S. Southern appointment ofPeruvianMaj. Gen. benefits of multinational exer- gifts during a bar-b-que to celebrate the
Command-sponsored exercise Mario Contreras, director of the cises like PANAMAX is the fact end of PANAMAX 2015, on Davis-Monthan
that focused on ensuring the Central Hospital of the Peruvian that all the participants will be AFB, Aug. 4. The PANAMAX exercise is de-
defense of the Panama Canal. Air Force, as the Combined Force able to exchange their experi- signed to provide interoperability training
Air Component Commander. ences and expertise. for participating multinational staffs, as
PANAMAX is a training exer- well as help build-up participating nation’s
cise with scenarios that are focused “The main thing that I learned “We know what items we have capability to plan and execute complex
around the Panama Canal. was that we are from different to work on, we now have the next multinational operations.
countries, meaning that we have year to take everything that we
“The primary objective of the different ways of thinking,” said learned during PANAMAX and for humanitarian relief as neces-
exercise was to practice the task- Contreras. “But we were able to build upon it to prepare for next sary, and to defend the Panama
ing process, how it works and come together, perform, and make year’s exercise,” said Contreras. Canal as deemed necessary by the
how we pass information back this exercise a success.” government of Panama and other
and forth between U.S. and our Lindberg said, “The main focus nations of the region.
partner nations,” said Lt. Col. The PANAMAX exercise is de- of PANAMAX is to exercise a va-
Tray York, 12th AF (AFSOUTH) signed to provide interoperability riety of responses to any request
director of space forces. training for the participating mul- from the government of Panama
tinational staffs, as well as helping to ensure protection and guaran-
According to USSOUTHCOM, build-up participating nation’s ca- tee safe passage of traffic through
PANAMAX is designed to help pability to plan and execute com- the Panama Canal.”
the U.S. develop and sustain rela- plex multinational operations.
tionships with our Latin American Security is a necessary condition
partner nations in order to improve “I’m most impressed with Gen. for prosperity and lasting demo-
the capacity of our partners’ secu- Contreras’ leadership abilities,” cratic institutions. PANAMAX
rity forces. By fostering and un- said Brig. Gen. Donald Lindberg, provides opportunities for the par-
derstanding between participating 12th AF (AFSOUTH) mobiliza- ticipating nations to join efforts to
forces we achieve common desired tion assistant to the commander. counter threats posed by violent
goals of increasing interoperability “In the beginning of the exercise and illegally armed groups, provide