Page 3 - Desert Lightning News 8-7-15
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Desert Lightning News                 August 7, 2015                                                                                                         3


NATO’s first AWACS aircraft remains in the desert

Maureen Geraets-Head                  completed and the aircraft was                                                            (Photo by Capt. A. Bongers)
                                      ready for departure. NATO 449
   It’s almost as if weather el-      landed in Tucson on the minute        The impressive E-3A in the empty desert of Tucson.
ements, mainly the heat and           as scheduled and now, a highly
wind, absorbed all life that once     motivated team is working like        ized initial AWACS maintenance        of short supplies, based on con-           NEWS
enabled these aircraft to fly. Like    ants to get the parts removed.”       training at Tinker Air Force Base,    sumption and priorities. “There
mummies, patched with white                                                 in Oklahoma, and tells, “All parts    are three priority categories,
coating, they are parked in or-          The locals warn you when           in low numbers need to be re-         color coded in red, yellow and
derly rows on sandy terrain, in a     stepping outside, “Stay hydrat-       moved, but also the expensive         green. The highest priority is
blasting sun. Most liquids have       ed and watch out for the rattle-      parts like, for instance, the forced  red. Some 100 crates have been
been drained, valuable parts          snakes and critters”. It’s a rough    air fence oxygen converter. Be-       built and flown in. And now, it
have been removed. Some air-          place for intensive manual labor      cause these “leading edge bleed       is being coordinated between
craft are waiting for a second        and special safety precautions        air duct” items Force Command         maintenance and supply in
chance to be brought back to          apply to prevent dehydration or       likes to see removed are very ex-     which order the dismantling,
life, while others are waiting        a heat stroke.                        pensive and are hardly available      wrapping and palletizing is
their turn to be scrapped.                                                  on the market.                        done until the last part on the
                                         Mr. Sandy McIntosch has                                                  list is dismantled,” Jan explains.
   The latter also counts for         been a crew chief of 449 since it        While the de- and refueling is
NATO E-3A aircraft, tail num-         first landed at NATO Air Base          being performed, Burkhard, Mr.           After five intensive weeks with
ber 449. It landed at 12:53 on        Geilenkirchen, Germany, in            Gerard van den Eijnden, Mr.           a team of 25 persons working
June 23, 2015, at its final destina-   August of 1983, when he mar-          Edo Druzitta together with Mr.        on 449 in the desert the work is
tion: Davis-Monthan Air Force         shaled this aircraft upon arrival.    Thomas Roskam and Mr. Gary            done, the goal is reached and all
Base in Tucson, Arizona, USA.         “This aircraft is retiring this year  Simpson are able to remove            milestones are met. Almost 2,000
                                      and I’m retiring next year,” tells    and dismantle the refrigerator;       parts were removed from 449 and
   For the next three years, it will  the former RAF Airframe Fitter.       remove engine cowlings and            flown back to Geilenkirchen.
sit at Aircraft Maintenance and                                             cones, life rafts, oxygen bottles
Regeneration Group (AMA-                 McIntosch watches closely          and aggregators so these parts           With the people coming home,
RG), where it will be surround-       the meter readings inside the         can make the first cargo load to       449 was left behind as a poten-
ed by preserved aircraft frames,      hot cockpit while the last fuel       be flown back to Geilenkirchen.        tial organ donor to satisfy future
all anchored to the ground with       is being pumped into ground                                                 Component needs. A lot more
steel cables, the wings support-      fuel containers. Slowly, the last        “Most of the flight controls,       work is still to be accomplished.
ed by wooden stands. AMARG            bit of remaining fuel flows out        the, landing gear, entry doors,       Outsized cargo, still at AMARG,
stores more than 4,000 aircraft.      when it is bottom drained. The        hydraulic components and              is for NATO Supply Programme
                                      next step: a complete refuel-         actuators, plus flap transmis-         Agency to ship back to Main
   Phase Two of the 449 retire-       ing with 10/10 preservation oil       sions, stabilizer trim actuator,      Operating Base and all reclaimed
ment project continued in Tuc-        to coat the fuel tanks, the en-       the cockpit sliding windows are       parts are to be physically and ad-
son. An ADVON team of ten             gines, as well as Aircraft Power      going to be removed”, tells Mr.       ministratively processed. This is
arrived on June 20, to prep this      Unit (APU). The oil meter reads       Gerard van den Eijnden from           to insure the parts are in service-
NATO E-3A, to be towed to             23,828 gallon when the tanks          Fuselage Section. “The biggest        able condition upon return to
the designated parking sport          are completely full. The engines      challenge is to get most of this      Supply and all data bases are ap-
at AMARG. A helpful, friendly         have to run until white smoke         equipment to meet the $40 Mil-        propriately updated.
AMARG team is available to as-        is produced, indicating the en-       lion amount”, he adds while
sist the NATO technician team.        gines are preserved.                  loosening bolts.                         Again, another mission close
                                                                                                                  to being successfully completed
   The days started early in the         A week of preparations                Mr. Jan Steert from Supply         by E-3A Component personnel.
Tucson desert. Extreme tem-           passed and NATO E-3A 449 is           Stock Control prepared the list
peratures make it necessary to        ready to be towed into the des-
accomplish most outside work          ert. “This storage spot is named
in the early morning hours.           after me, the “Sandy place”, Mc-
From a cool 28 degrees Celsius        Intosch adds with a smile.
at 05:30, the thermometer rap-
idly reaches the +40 degrees C           Mr. Edo Druzitta from En-
by early afternoon.                   gines/Propulsion Shop, is in
                                      Tucson to remove engine num-
   Lt. Col. Gerald Probst, de-        ber two, the APU and to canni-
ployment commander and proj-          balize parts from the other three
ect officer for the retirement of       engines. “I’m proud to be part of
449, is impressed due to the          this team, working on the retire-
professional approach of Mr.          ment 449 project”, he says.
Willy Sluijsmans and his Inte-
grated Project team, “Eight days         Mr. Burghard Nuernberg from
prior to the start of this unique     Electronics and Environment
project, a well thought through       system is a principal technician
aircraft preparation plan was         and with the Component since
                                      1982. He received his special-
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