Page 6 - Desert Lightning News 8-7-15
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6                                     August 7, 2015                                                                 Desert Lightning News


Air Force vice chief of staff discusses education, innovation

Shannon Collins                       high school, he joined the Air Force    you on the path to achieve anything    ter technique and language, the
                                      and began to understand the value       you want to achieve.”                  shorthand and not using full words
DoD News, Defense Media Activity      of education.                                                                  and sentences -- when you get into
                                                                                 Innovation                          the professional environment, you
   WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air              “Once I got into the Air Force, I       The general said the Air Force      have to know how to communicate,”
Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Lar-    started to mature and see how im-       was born in innovation, and during     he said. “You have to know how to
ry O. Spencer and Jack Buckley, the   portant education and technology        his career he’s seen the Air Force     speak and know how to write a re-
senior vice president of research     was and how crucial it was to our       evolve from using a low-flying F-4      sume. You have to be able to write
for the College Board, spoke about    warfighting capability,” he said. “I     Phantom to capture a single image      professional letters.”
innovation and education during       started to take any class I could get   to today’s remotely piloted aircraft
the Military Child Education Co-      my hands on.”                           recording and streaming real-time         Spencer said he has also found
alition’s 17th National Training                                              video. He also mentioned the Air       that some military leaders have
Seminar July 31.                         He said he recently went back to     Force’s fifth-generation fighters and    a tendency to just send emails to
                                      his old neighborhood, and many of       how the Air Force runs satellites      their people.
   Spencer, who was a military child  his friends are either in jail or no    that assist the GPS technology peo-
himself, spoke on the importance of   longer living. He said he may have      ple use in their cars.                    “In my experience, I don’t care
education, especially for those who   never left the neighborhood had it         Spencer acknowledged a nega-        how old you are or what your back-
may be growing up in underprivi-      not been for the Air Force and for      tive side of innovation; while chil-   ground is, nothing substitutes as a
leged communities.                    his education.                          dren are growing up more savvy         leader for getting in front of your
                                                                              in computing, social media and         people and talking to them face to
   Education ‘a big equalizer’           “I’m not any smarter than they       technology, they sometimes lack        face, letting them see your body
   “I grew up here in southeast       are, but I got my education, and I      in personal social skills and in pro-  language and vice versa and mak-
D.C. My father was in the Army,       got to learn, and I got to travel,” he  fessional development. He said the     ing sure they know exactly where
and my mother hadn’t graduated        said. “Education is a big equalizer.    abbreviated talking on digital plat-   you’re coming from and you know
high school,” the general said. “I    It doesn’t matter where you come        forms has hurt their ability in pro-   exactly where they’re coming from,”
was the oldest of six children, and   from. It doesn’t matter what advan-     fessional communications.              he said.
I didn’t understand the impor-        tages or disadvantages you have. If        “Some of the Facebook and Twit-
tance of education.”                  you can get your hands on educa-                                                  New SATs
   He said he was focused on foot-    tion, it is the equalizer that can put                                            Buckley, a former Navy nuclear
ball and girls, but after graduating
                                                                                                                                    See EDUCATION, Page 16

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