Page 4 - Desert Lightning News 8-7-15
P. 4
4 August 7, 2015 Desert Lightning News
Certified to save lives
Airman First Class Cheyenne Morigeau “Every student can meet with the student ser- Senior Airman Mia Yang, 99th Reconnaissance Squadron Beale
vices advisor and she performs a degree check Air Force Base Calif., medical technician, uses a bag valve mask on
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs and gives them their degree plan pathway,” a practice manikin at the Pima Community College Public Safety
Christensen said. “They will walk away with 57 Emergency and Services Institute, Tucson, July 29. Yang was a stu-
Twenty-one U.S. Air Force Airmen gradu- college credits that they can apply to an asso- dent paramedic going through a paramedic training course of-
ated from a paramedic training course at the ciate, bachelors or their Community College of fered strictly to Airmen at PSESI.
Pima Community College Public Safety and the Air Force degree.”
Emergency Services Institute July 31. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airmen 1st class Cheyenne Morigeau)
The paramedic training course offered
The course is a four-month accelerated para- through PSESI is the only course that medical
medic certification that is usually 10 months to Airmen can take to become nationally regis-
complete and consists of classroom and field tered paramedics.
experience training created specifically for Air-
men. This was the third class of Airmen to grad- “This is the only college that the Air Force is
uate from the PSESI paramedic training course. working with to train Airmen to become para-
medics,” said Shane Clark, PSESI advanced pro-
“These Airmen go through 57 chapters and gram manager. “The partnership between Pima
get certified in pre-trauma life support, ad- and the Air Force is an incredible privilege. We
vanced medical life support, pediatric care, pe- love supporting our local first responders, but
diatric life support, advanced cardiovascular life now we have the ability to train paramedics that
support and toxicology,” said Chris Christensen, belong to our Air Force and will use those skills
PSESI course manager. “They also complete not only at their home station, but also when
close to 500 hours of hands on experience.” they deploy to hostile situations.”
To gain field experience, the paramedic stu- This course is only available to ranks airman
dents spend four hours at the Tucson Fire De- first class through technical sergeant who fall
partment dispatch center and ride along with under the 4N0X1 and 4N0X1C Air Force spe-
TFD ambulances. The students also spend time cialty codes, have less than 14 years of service
in intensive care units, pediatric ICUs, labor, and have an Advanced Life Support platform.
delivery and emergency rooms. If they do not have an ALS platform, they must
be eligible to make a permanent change of duty
“The course is rigorous,” said Staff Sgt. Bren- location upon completion of the course.
don Baez, 60th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
hyperbaric medicine technician and student. For more information and to find out if you
“It’s six days a week for four months with over qualify to take the course, contact your local 4N
1,200 hours of class time and clinical rotations.” functional manager.
Upon completion of this course, the Airmen
will receive a National Registry Certification.
First Impressions, It’s All in Your Smile.
Dr. Gabriel Schmidtke is an experienced 6XQ7KXUVǩ1RRQSP
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