Page 13 - Desert Lightning News 8-7-15
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Desert Lightning News                                                  August 7, 2015                                                                                                                             13


Crossing over: Enlisted to officer

Senior Airman Devante Williams                                         almost 11 years to go to Officer Training School.”                                Second Lt. Shaun Chaplain, 56th Comptroller Squadron flight
                                                                          OTS is a nine-week program that develops civil-                              commander, surveys his surroundings at an unnamed de-
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                                       ployed location when he was still an enlisted member. From
                                                                       ians and enlisted members into officers. OTS re-                                  a technical sergeant in cyber operations, he became a second
   LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Arizona -- For 2nd                             cently changed curriculum so active-duty, Reserve                               lieutenant three months ago after completing Officer Training
Lieutenant Shaun Chaplain, 56th Comptroller                            and Guard are all in one class.                                                 School. Luke Air Force Base is his first assignment as an officer.
Squadron flight commander, he made the career
decision he knew would change his outcome in the                          “It’s almost like going to Basic Training twice,” he                         information I need to learn, but I’m excited to be
Air Force. From Airmen ranks to general officer,                         said. “They want to see how you can handle stress                               in this career field.”
the Air Force makes sure Airmen are equipped                           and accomplish tasks on your own. The great thing
with the tools they need to lead other Airmen.                         about OTS was that there was a mixture of people                                   The 56th CPTS Airmen are excited to have
                                                                       in the class. From senior NCOs brand new students                               Chaplain on board and to make his transition into
   Before joining the Air Force, Chaplain was                          that had never done anything Air Force related. It                              the finance career field smooth.
working dead-end jobs to make ends meet and af-                        was definitely nice to see everyone working together.”
ford college. He knew it wouldn’t get him close to                                                                                                        “I’m excited that he’s working with us,” said Air-
reaching his goal of earning a degree, so he turned                       With Chaplain as a fresh 2nd Lieutenant, he’s                                man 1st Class Kevin Dawson, 56th CPTS customer
to the Air Force.                                                      ready for a leadership role.                                                    service technician. “He’s aiming to be a great lead-
                                                                                                                                                       er, and I know that once he gets completely spun
   “The two reasons why I joined were to serve my                         “I know what it’s like to have bad leadership,” he                           up in the finance career field, he will help continue
country and to better myself,” he said. “I was work-                   said. “That’s what gave me even more motivation                                 to make CPTS run well.
ing at a job with no future, and I knew I couldn’t get                 to become an officer.  Hopefully I can be an even
far in life nor continue to pay for college. My friend                 better officer, because I know what it feels like to
suggested I should join the Air Force and here I am.”                  be on the enlisted side of the Air Force. I want to be
                                                                       the leader that Airmen below me can depend on.”
   Chaplain was a technical sergeant working un-
der cyber operations. While he enjoyed it, his ulti-                      Chaplain’s first order of business is to learn his
mate goal was to become an officer.                                      new career field as a finance flight commander.

   “It was always a goal of mine to become an of-                         “This is my first base as an officer,” he said.
ficer,” he said. “It took me a long time to finish my                    “Three months ago I was a tech sergeant working
degree and the timing was never right. It took me                      under cyber operations. Now I’m the flight com-
                                                                       mander for the 56th CPTS. There is still a ton of

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