Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, January 2021
P. 10
10 January 2021 luke’s Civilian airmen
944th FW medics First of 944th medics mobilize for COVID-19 response
boast legacy of pride
Maj. Avram Aaron Brammostyn, 944th
Aeromedical Staging Squadron flight
First Lt. Danielle Clark, 944th Aeromedi- surgeon, checks in with Col. James Gre-
cal Staging Squadron clinical nurse, talks enwald, 944th FW commander, and Chief
with Col. James Greenwald, 944th Fighter Master Sgt. Catherine Buchanan, 944th
Wing commander, as Chief Master Sgt. FW command chief, before he departs.
Catherine Buchanan, 944th FW command
Photos by Tech. Sgt. Courtney Richardson chief, listens in before Clark departs in
Tech. Sgt. Louis Vega Jr.
Reserve Airmen with the 944th Aeromedi- Mobilized Air Force Reserve med- support of the deployment.
cal Staging Squadron carry a simulated ics board a C-17 en route to “hot
patient to a K-loader for transport during a zones” April 5, in support of the
training event Jan. 7, 2017, at Phoenix Sky COVID-19 pandemic response
Harbor International Airport. Nurses, flight from Luke Air Force Base. This
doctors and pharmacy technicians were deployment is part of a larger
among the squadron members who par- mobilization package of more
ticipated in the training. In 1996, the 944th than 120 doctors, nurses and
Medical Group was deactivated, leaving respiratory technicians Air Force
the 944th Medical Squadron and the 944th Reserve units across the nation Maj. David Kreis, 944th Fighter Wing
ASTS aligned directly under the 944th FW. provided in early April in support chaplain, prays for mobilized Air
However, this did not stop both squadrons of the COVID-19 response to take Mobilized Air Force Reserve medics pose
from continuing their legacy. Both the care of Americans. The C-17 is for a photo with their leadership before Force Reserve medics before they
medical and aeromedical staging squad- deployed from March Air Reserve they board their airlift. board their airlift in support of the CO-
VID-19 pandemic deployment.
rons continued to excel in their duties. Base, California.
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