Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, January 2021
P. 9

8  January 2021  Thunderbolt                                                                9
                                                                                                                                          January 2021

 Civil engineer Airmen have   Lockheed Martin, Luke   Veterinary clinic provides   Base continues training mission
 dirty job  team to innovate                care for service animals

                                                                                                                                Tech. Sgt. James Hayes, 63rd
                                                                                                                                Aircraft Maintenance Unit in-
 Luke at Work                                                                                                                   Lightning II, April 8, 2020.
                                                                                                                                structor, marshals an F-35A
                                                                                                                                Maintainers at Luke enable
                                                                                                                                the mission by launching and
                                                                                                                                recovering aircraft, inspect-
                                                                                                                                ing components and ensuring
                                                                                                                                aircraft are serviceable to fly.
           Photos by Airman 1st Class Dominic Tyler                                                                             Luke is home to 77 F-16s and
     Airman 1st Class Delwyn Travillion,                                                                                        98 F-35s, enabling assigned
 Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder  56th Component Maintenance Squad-  Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder                              Airmen to train the world’s
 Senior Airman Jaime Villagomez (bot-  ron aircrew egress systems apprentice   Daniel Halbleib, Ajo Station Border              greatest fighter pilots and
 tom left) and Airman 1st Class Manolo   (left), trains on a virtual reality mainte-  Patrol agent, holds Marci’s mouth   Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder combat-ready Airmen.
 Hernandez (bottom right), 56th Civil   nance trainer while Tech. Sgt. Ian Rid-  open while Nicole Avci examines his
 Engineer Squadron water and fuels   er, 56th CMS aircrew egress systems   teeth Jan. 24, 2020, in the clinic at Luke
 system maintenance technicians, main-  craftsman, monitors training July 13,   AFB. Marci, a border patrol dog, was
 tain a fire hydrant system while Jerome   2020. The egress shop is responsible   at the appointment for a suspected   56th SFS conducts    56th Ammunitions Flight
 Ammo uses new system for inventory count  Stanton, 56th CES WFSM technician,   for the overall integrity of the emergen-  abscessed tooth caused by chewing   presence patrol  builds 72 laser-guided bombs
 observes, Nov. 2, 2020. To meet mis-
 sion requirements, the 56th CES techni-  cy ejection seat system in the F-35A   on metal objects. The clinic cares for
                                            active-duty and retiree member’s pri-
     Lightning II. The egress shop imple-
 Tech. Sgt. Ryan Read, 56th Equipment   cians replaced an isolation valve and   mented the virtual reality maintenance   vately owned cats and dogs, military
 Maintenance Squadron account super-  installed a fire hydrant. Nicknamed the   trainer to enhance training efficiency   working dogs and government-owned
 visor, validates the munitions inventory   “Dirt Boyz,” CE Airmen maintain Luke’s   and reduce training time.  dogs by performing annual wellness
 count on the Theater Integrated Combat   runways, sidewalks, drainage systems   exams, vaccines and more.
 Munitions System (TICMS), Sept. 12,   and repair roads and barriers along the
 2020, at Luke Air Force Base. TICMS is   base perimeter.
 an Air Force-wide program released in      Armament shop maintains F-35
 January 2020 that saves manpower and   Adjusting the brakes  weapons system equipment
 time by allowing individuals to enter the
 amount of items digitally using Getac,
 a handheld device used to input num-
 ber values, avoiding the need for count
 sheets.                                                                                         Senior airman Leala Marquez
                                                                                   Tech. Sgt. Jose Martinez, 56th Security
                                                                                   Forces Squadron Defense Force day-
 Photos by Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder                                          shift flight sergeant (left), and Tech. Sgt.
 Senior Airman Marcus Wallace, 56th   Senior Airman Matthew Romano, 56th           Joseph Campbell, 56th SFS Defense
 Equipment Maintenance Squadron line   Component Maintenance Squadron              Force NCO in charge of training and
 delivery technician (left), and Airman   aircrew egress systems journeyman        confinement, prepare for a patrol May
 1st Class Preston Melkerson, 56th EMS   (left), trains Airman 1st Class Delwyn    21, 2020, at the Luke Air Force Base aux-
 stockpile management technician, take   Travillion, 56th CMS aircrew egress       iliary range in Southern Arizona. A team
 inventory on small arms ammunition   systems apprentice, on the installa-  Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder  of 20 defenders and one military working   Photos by Airman 1st Class Caleb F. Butler
 during the semi-annual 100% muni-  tion of flexible linear shaped charge   Senior Airman Janey Sawmiller, 56th   dog conducted a night presence patrol   Airman Quinton Chaney, 56th Equip-
 tions count Sept. 12, 2020. During the   Photos by Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder  (FLSC) on a 3D-printed F35A Lightning   Equipment Maintenance Squadron F-  on the range. The 56th SFS consists of   ment Maintenance Squadron munitions
 counting process, everything in the   Airman 1st Class Wesley De Leon, 56th   II canopy July 13, 2020. The 3D print   35A Lightning II maintenance supervi-  more than 200 personnel who ensure the   systems technician, and Senior Airman
 stockpile is inventoried including mis-  Component Maintenance Squadron   of the F-35 canopy enables training on   sor, adjusts an F-35 bulk loader, Oct.   safety of the base population.   Tre Tate, 56th EMS munitions sys-
 siles, bomb components, explosive   aircraft hydraulic systems journeyman,   the installation of the FLSC without us-  20, 2020.  tems technician, use a forklift sling to
 cartridges and more. The 56th EMS   Senior Airman Michael Castellanos,   torques adjusting assemblers onto an   ing operational resources. Installation   move GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided
 Munitions Flight performs an inventory   56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron   F-16 Fighting Falcon brake housing   of the FLSC is an essential task that   SLOTUS gets cockpit view   bombs Sept. 22, 2020.
 count which maintains accountability   conventional maintenance technician,   Aug. 17, 2020. Hydraulics specialists   requires zero errors.  BEE Airmen, ‘Jack of all
 for more than 3,470 munition compo-  Senior Airman Gunnar Carlson, 56th   counts the number of aircraft counter-  ensure the hydraulic and pneumatic   Trades’  of Viper
 nents worth an estimated $72 million.  Equipment Maintenance Squadron stock-  measure munitions Sept. 12, 2020. Dur-  systems work properly, guarantee-
 pile management technician, scans the   ing the counting process, everything in   ing the landing gear is functional. The   20/20 vision in 2020
 barcodes on corner markers using a   the stockpile is inventoried including   hydraulics flight works on F-16, A-10
 Getac, a handheld device used to input   missiles, bomb components, explosive   Thunderbolt II and F-15 Eagle landing
 number values, Sept. 17, 2020.  cartridges and more.  gear and brakes for Luke and other
 bases to ensure Air Force mission suc-

                                                        Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder          Senior Airman Caroline Burnett  Airman 1st Class Maxim Gogo, 56th
                                            Senior Airman Megan Johnson and        Maj. Jessa Charron (left), 69th Fighter   Equipment Maintenance Squadron
                                            Airman 1st Class Emmanuel Alaniz,      Squadron F-16 Fighting Falcon instruc-  munitions systems technician, sepa-
                 Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder  56th Operational Medicine Readiness   tor pilot, and Col. George Watkins   rates parts to be installed on GBU-12
     Senior Airman Troy Dibley, 61st        Squadron bioenvironmental engineer-    (right), 56th Operations Group com-    Paveway II laser-guided bombs Sept
     Fighter Squadron F-35A Lightning II    ing technicians, search for leaks on   mander, brief Karen Pence (center), wife   22, 2020. Airmen assembled 24 bombs
     avionics journeyman, tries on a pair   a Level A HAZMAT suit Jan. 14, 2020.   of Vice President Mike Pence, about the   during the first day of the three-day
     of prescription glasses June 9, 2020,   Level A suits protect against harm-   F-16’s capabilities Sept. 17, 2020. Pence,   build session to maintain a steady
 Melkerson moves a box of small arms   at Luke Air Force Base. The Luke   ful vapors, gases, mists and particles   along with Secretary of the Air Force   supply of munitions for the base. The
 ammunition during inventory Sept. 12,   Optometry clinic provides a choice   reaching the individual inside the suit.   Barbara Barrett and Sharene Brown,   munitions flight assembles, stores,
 2020. Airmen from the 56th EMS pro-  of more than 50 styles of customized   The 56th OMRS BEE’s mission is to   wife of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.   and transports explosives for all eight
 vide safe and reliable aircraft, equip-  Airmen from the 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron count aircraft countermea-  De Leon torques adjusting assemblers   and standard frames. The Luke op-  provide reliable health risk expertise to   Charles Brown, visited Luke to engage   maintenance units at Luke, ensuring
 ment and munitions which are used to   sure munitions during the semi-annual 100% munitions count Sept. 12, 2020. The   onto an F-16 Fighting Falcon brake   tometry clinic treats more than 4,000   optimize human performance and pre-  with military spouses and discuss mili-  pilots are able to train with realistic
 train the world’s greatest fighter pilots   TICMS is a new software used to maintain accountability of munitions by making   Aug. 17, 2020.  patients every year.  vent adverse health effects on Airmen.  tary spouse employment.  ammunition.
 and combat ready Airmen.   the counting process, formerly a paper system, digital.
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