Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, January 2021
P. 13

12  January 2021  airCraft of luke  Thunderbolt  luke at Play/CHaPlain                       13
                                                                                                                                            January 2021
 944th FW   At the twilight’s   F-35 Lightning II   Military community launches   Faith over fear                  often find myself reflecting on them as a chaplain
                                                                                             Chaplain’s thoughts ...

          second loaner library
 takes to skies  last gleaming  intersects nature  Lauren McKinley, 944th Aeromedi-           by Chaplain (Capt.)    navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic. My
                                                                                                                   encouragement to anyone feeling overwhelmed
                                                                                                                   is to choose faith. Whether that is faith in our
                                      cal Staging Squadron management
                                      support specialist, and her hus-
                                      band, Staff Sgt. Eric McKinley, 56th                      JAsmin LuCk        resolve to bounce back from difficulties, in our
                                                                                                                   training and expertise, or in a higher power, this
                                      Component Maintenance Squad-                           Chaplain, 944th Fighter Wing  is a conscious decision all of us can make.
                                      ron real property specialist, pose                        Three years ago, I   2020 tested our resilience and dedication to
                                      next to the Loaner Library July 28,                    went through an ex-   the mission. We balanced the uncertainty of the
                                      2020. Located in the Ocotillo Manor                    perience that would   future with the certainty we have in our readi-
                                      neighborhood near the intersec-                        impact my faith and   ness. After a challenging year, some are scaveng-
                                      tion of Walpai and Kiowa, the mini                     perspective to this very   ing through the remnants, searching for hope.
              Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder
                                      library houses two shelves where                       day. I was a chaplain   A theory in psychology called post-traumatic
          individuals can take a book and leave one in its place.               Courtesy photo  candidate, excited to   growth describes the positive change that occurs
                                                                                             complete my first train-  after battling a major life crisis. Growth can oc-
                                                                         ing assignment overseas. During our weekly staff   cur through mindful mediation, gratitude, and
          Easy riders                                                    meeting, everyone’s phones started ringing and   seeking out counselors and helping agencies to
                                                                         buzzing from an influx of notifications. The noises   assist in reframing negative events. No matter
                                                                         became so significant that we had to stop and   what form of trauma someone endures in their
                                                                         investigate what was causing the interruption.   life, they can be encouraged knowing that there
                                                                         We learned that an enemy nation was threaten-  is a chance for growth.
 Senior Airman Leala Marquez                                             ing our region, and I felt my heart drop instantly.   Our pain can be vectored toward a greater
 Senior Airman Jacob Wongwai  An F-16 Fighting Falcon, assigned to the 425th   My standard active duty tour turned into a time   purpose. The pilot who encouraged me left a
 An F-16C Fighting Falcon assigned to the 944th   Fighter Squadron, prepares to land at Luke Air Force   where our chapel services became more instru-  more significant impact than he realized. After
 Fighter Wing takes off Jan. 13, 2020. The Total Force   Base. The F-16 can withstand up to nine Gs, nine   mental than ever.   our conversation, I walked away feeling moti-
 integration of the 944th FW and 56th FW, alongside   times the force of gravity, with a full load of fuel.   Senior Airman Alexander Cook  The next day, I decided to visit the flight line   vated to uplift those around me. Today, I still
 their partner-nation counterparts, produces some of   Luke AFB currently trains alongside six foreign na-  More than 1,000 bikers drove down the runway Feb. 29, 2020, dur-  to see how everyone handled the news. I crossed   find strength in his words. You can be a similar
 the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat-ready   tions and has graduated more than 61,000 fighter   ing the Mayor’s Big Dog Run. “I have never felt more exhilarated on   paths with a pilot who gave me some insight into   source of courage for your wingmen, who may be
 Airmen.  pilots since 1941.  a bike than when I opened up the throttle on that runway, letting all   his viewpoint. He had so much peace and con-  facing hardships they are not expressing. We can
         of my stress fly away at a steady 105 mph,” said Stefanie Bradley,   tentment that I asked what he relied on in these   all see growth during our trials and grief if we
         riding a 2018 Heritage Classic Harley Davidson. Bradley is an Army   situations. The pilot told me, “I have to decide   choose faith over fear. For more information, or
         veteran and member of Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association,   on a daily basis to choose faith over fear.” Those   to speak with a Chaplain or Religious Affairs Air-
 Luke F-35s gas up on the fly                                            words stuck with me as a chaplain candidate. I   man, please contact Luke AFB Chapel: 856-6211.
         of which 36 other members also rode that day.

 A KC-135 Stratotanker assigned
 to the Arizona Air National
 Guard, 161st Air Fueling Wing,
 refuels an F-35A Lightning II as-
 signed to the 56th Fighter Wing                                 AlwAys free Access!
 at Luke Air Force Base, April 17,   Senior Airman Alexander Cook
 2020, over Colorado. The KC-  An F-35A Lightning II takes off during a training sor-  Frequent Updates – Breaking News  – Local • Regional • National
 tie Jan. 7, 2020, over Luke Air Force Base, the home
 135, along with eight F-35s from   of numerous Arizona species of cacti. Pilots fly more
 the 63rd Fighter Squadron, 61st   than 100 sorties at Luke during a training day. The
 FS and the 308th FS, participat-  mission of Luke is to train the world’s greatest fight-  A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.  Do you have family or friends coming to
 ed in a refueling mission as the   er pilots and combat ready Airmen.
 F-35s traveled to the Air Force                Luke Air Force Base to visit or stay?             Home loans you’ll be
 Academy for a flyover. The fly-
 over showcased the Air Force’s
 newest fifth-generation stealth   Luke trains in                                                                   happy to live with
 fighter, while offering a tribute   Scratch Kitchen Restaurant
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 Photos by Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder
 An F-35A Lightning II assigned to the   Senior Airman Danielle Charmichael               14783 W. Grand Avenue
 56th Fighter Wing at Luke Air Force Base,   An F-35A Lightning II pilot with the 56th Operations   Surprise, AZ 85374
 Ariz., flies next to a KC-135 Stratotanker   Group prepares to refuel over southern Idaho Aug.   termites, Bees, weeds, pigeons, rodents & more!
 Seven F-35A Lightning IIs assigned to the 63rd, 61st and 308th   assigned to the Arizona National Guard,   18, 2020. The F-35s were participating in a quarterly   Loans  subject  to  credit  and  collateral  approval.  Not  all  loan
 fighter squadrons at Luke Air Force Base, line up in formation   161st Air Refueling Wing April 17, 2020,   exercise known as Gunfighter Flag, in which United   Charlie Carroll - Owner/Operator  programs  are  available  in  all  states  for  all  loan  amounts.
 over Colorado. Eight F-35s performed a fly-over at the U.S. Air   over the Colorado Rockies. The mission   States partners and fighter squadrons nationwide   602-319-2082 •  Restrictions may apply. Terms and conditions subject to change.
 Force Academy in honor of the graduating class of 2020. Luke   showcased the Air Force’s newest fifth-  train for air-to-air and air-to-ground scenarios to   A member of the Hilton family.
 AFB exhibits the importance of teamwork between units, bases   generation stealth fighter, while offering a   maintain the lethality of the force.  9524 w. Camelback road, C130-34B | glendale, AZ 85305  ©2020 MUFG Union Bank, N.A. All rights reserved.
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