Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, October 1, 2021
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2   October 1, 2021                                         Commentary                                         Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                     news                                                        October 1, 2021    3                                                                                                                                                      
   The universal skillset of leadership                                                                                                                             pow/mia, from Page 1     _________

                                                                                                                                                                       Currently, there are 83,114 service
                                                                                                                                                                    members still missing from conflicts
                                                                                                                                                                    throughout U.S. history, including from
   by Chief Master Sgt. Douglass Kuhn   of leadership or the difference between  “the activity of influencing people by  observation and awareness. It is under-    World War ll, the Korean War, the Viet-
   Dover AFB, Del.                      managing and leading. If you do a quick  providing purpose, direction and mo-  standing the why behind each action,         nam War and the Cold War.
                                        search of the Enlisted Force Structure,  tivation to accomplish the mission and  then ensuring every Airmen understands        “We will never stop working to bring
     A year ago, our Air Force Chief of Staff  you will see leadership is used 56 times,  improve the organization.” You may have  their part of the mission and the signifi-  home those who paid the ultimate sacri-
   Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., tasked the air staff   leader is used 20 times and lead is used  to read it a few times to recognize the  cance of their specialty. It is instilling the   fice for our country,” said Dyer. “May we
   with four key areas to focus their efforts.  12 times, but none of those 88 instances  difference, but words matter. The action  higher purpose into the mundane tasks   never forget to honor those who cannot
   These were released to the Air Force a  provide a definition of leadership. For  in the Air Force definition simply says a  so service before self is internally devel-  be here with us today.”
   couple months later as “General Brown’s  even a vague definition, an Airman has  leader will motivate, influence and direct  oped, not externally driven.
   Action Orders.” Under Action Order  to go to Air Force Doctrine Publication 1.  Airmen but doesn’t say how. Whereas the   Providing direction takes awareness,
   A: Airmen, Brown stated the Air Force   In AFDP-1, leadership is defined  Army definition says a leader will influ-  focus and immense communication. It
   needs to, “find and enhance universal  as, “the art and science of motivating,  ence people, but then puts the respon-  is creating a clear and vivid image of
   skillsets that are important to all Airmen  influencing and directing Airmen to  sibility of leading back on the leader by  the end goal for each component of the
   regardless of Air Force Specialty Code,”  understand and accomplish [Joint Force  saying how the leader will gain influence.  organization, then setting the expecta-
   so we can compete, deter and win in the  Commander] objectives.” This definition  It states leaders must provide purpose,  tions and standards required to work
   high-end fight.                      blends leadership and management, so  direction and motivation to people. If we  towards achieving the overall vision. It
     As I reflect on universal skillsets, the  an Airman will need to dig deeper to  want to enhance the universal skillset of  is encouraging Airmen to stretch their
   one that continually comes up in conver-  understand real leadership as a universal  leadership, putting the responsibility of  current abilities, and possibly fail, so they
   sations, discussions, mentoring sessions  skillset.                        leading on the leader is a good first step.  can gain experience and further develop
   and professional development courses is   The Army has a solid definition of   The question to ask ourselves is, “Do  their capabilities.
   leadership. Many of the younger Airmen  leadership which is very similar in words  each of us as Air Force leaders provide   Providing motivation takes tenacity,
   complain about poor or toxic leadership,  but uniquely different in meaning than  purpose, direction and motivation to  open-mindedness and compassion. It is
   and many of the more seasoned Airmen  the Air Force’s definition. Army Doc-  our Airmen?”
   struggle to define the actual meaning  trine Policy 6-22 defines leadership as,   Providing purpose takes knowledge,   ____  See lEadErShip, on Page 3

   Proud to be an american

   by Chaplain (Capt.) Levi Welton      fame and adulation they receive. But the  special ops,” my wingmen would say with  superheroes serving in the military and
   Dover AFB, Del.                      more I think about it, the more I feel it’s  a grin. “Spiritual special ops.”  think of all that we can be. The Air Force
                                        because superheroes never seemed teth-  But it got me thinking: Where else in  gifted me with a lot. Waking up earlier                                                                                                                                       Air Force photographs by Senior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Airman Bailee A. Darbasie
     I joined the Air Force for the uniform  ered to the gravity of a hum-drum life of  this God blessed country are folks from  in the morning than I thought possible,                                                                                                                         Former Prisoners of War
   but stayed for the mission.          inequality and monotony. As soon as life  different backgrounds forced to become  free passes to museums and discounts                                                                                                                                   are honored during a
     Yes, I’ll admit that I answered my na-  got boring or unfair, they’d fly off to save  family? Only 1 percent of my country-  on car insurance, combining heart and                                                                                                                          National Prisoner of War
   tion’s call not because I fancied myself  the day. Something I wish I could’ve  men serve and yet my flight had women  mind into strategy, a religious focus on                                                                                                                               and Missing in Action (POW/
   a warrior but because I thought it’d be  done thousands of times throughout  and men of all colors, sexual orienta-  the details of victory and — above all else                                                                                                                              MIA) recognition ceremony
   cool.                                my life. And something the Air Force  tions, spiritual beliefs and cultures. We  — the importance of teamwork.                                                                                                                                           at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
     One Zeydie (Yiddish for grandfa-   motto — “Fly, Fight and Win” — tells  were indeed of different states of mind   As a chaplain, my job is to advocate                                                                                                                                     Sept. 17, 2021. There are
   ther) taught physics in the Air Force in  me I still can do.               yet united by the shared camouflage we  for the liberties of people of all faiths or                                                                                                                               83,114 service members
   World War II, the other served in the   I remember being in Officer Training  wore upon our hearts. And, suddenly, I  none.                                                                                                                                                                   still missing from conflicts
   Navy. My Uncle Chuck served in the  School with two roommates I, as a rabbi,  got it. I was surrounded by superheroes.   As one of my mentors and fellow                                                                                                                                      throughout U.S. history,
   Air National Guard and then as a peace  probably never would have had if not for   It didn’t matter why they served.  chaplains, Lt. Col. Brannon Bowman                                                                                                                                      including from World War ll,
   officer in Point Lobos National Park and  the Air Force.                   Whether for a career, to be a noble  once told me, “We don’t aim for a culture                                                                                                                                     the Korean War, the Vietnam
   my granduncle Lt. Barney Welton was     One was a future surgeon from the  guardian of freedom and justice, or just  of tolerance. We must foster a culture of                                                                                                                                War and the Cold War.
   a C-47 pilot against the Nazis. Further  Church of Latter Day Saints and the other  because the uniform made them feel  mutual respect.”                         Col. Todd Dyer, 99th Air
   back, I have ancestors who served under  a tall Catholic man with a decorated mili-  cool, they were all still serving the great-  While I may have joined because I   Base Wing commander,
   President Lincoln and also during the  tary history. We bonded, swapped jokes  est democracy on the planet. And, for  thought it’d be cool, my fellow Airmen     delivers a speech honoring                                                                                                   LEFT: Former Prisoner of War
   American Revolution. So putting on my  with each other after curfew and shared  that, they deserved respect and thanks.  inspired me to stay for the mission. For I   service members during a                                                                                                Eugene Ramos sits in front
   dress uniform made me feel cool and  snack bars, photos of our loved ones and  For isn’t service before self the ultimate  want to be part of a mission connecting   National Prisoner of War                                                                                                 of the ceremonial wreath
   connected to my family. It also made me  one rickety toilet which we had to keep  definition of a superhero?    with all kinds of people, standing united        and Missing in Action                                                                                                        during a National Prisoner
   feel like a superhero.               silky smooth and pristinely clean or risk   Suffice it to say, when I see the Red,  with those so different and yet so much   (POW/MIA) recognition                                                                                                      of War and Missing in Action
     I don’t know why I’ve always loved  being booted from boot camp. “How’d  White and Blue unfurling in the wind,  the same, and pledging rhetoric to never       ceremony at Nellis Air                                                                                                       (POW/MIA) recognition
   superheroes. Maybe it’s the colorful  you get your beard waiver?” people would  I feel my heart swell with pride. I think  leave an Airman behind, to never falter   Force Base, Nev., Sept. 17,                                                                                              ceremony at Nellis Air
   uniforms or the superpowers. Maybe it’s  accost me as I marched around our base  not of my country’s history of slavery  and to not fail. In other words, to be a   2021. Dyer emphasized                                                                                                     Force Base, Nev., Sept. 17,
   how good looking they always are, or the  with a face full of hair. “Oh, he’s part of  or past failures. I look to the current  superhero.                       t h e  im p o r t an c e  o f                                                                                                2021. Ramos is a Korean War
                                                                                                                                                                    remembering the sacrifices                                                                                                   veteran who was captured
                                                                                                                                                                    of our POWs and MIAs.                                                                                                        by Chinese forces in 1950.
                                            Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number
                                         published by Aerotech News and Review, a private   Review of the products or services advertised.   of a person to contact must be included in the event
                                         firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force.   Everything advertised in the publication shall be   questions arise.      lEadErShip, from Page 2     ____    complete support from leadership. It   In AFDP-1 Chief Master Sgt. of the  ers at all levels capable of providing
                                         Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition   made available for purchase and use of patronage   All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity
         Desert Lightning News Staff     are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include   is setting the example and navigating  Air Force JoAnne S. Bass says, “Our Air-  purpose, direction and motivation. If
      Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review  by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government,   origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political   military ranks and proper writing etiquette.  recognizing what drives each Airman  effectively through tough decisions  men are the competitive edge we have  every Airman is not working to expand
      Stuart Ibberson, Editor            the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff   and helping them align their desires  and hardships so Airmen have role  over our adversaries and the reason we  the universal skillset of leadership, and
      Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout                                                                              members strive for accurac y each week .
      Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales   Air Force.                           purchaser, user or patron.          If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert   with organizational goals, then build-  models they can use to shape their  are the world’s greatest Air Force.” To  truly understand what it means to lead,
                                            The appearance of advertising in this publication,   The deadline for submissions to Desert   Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail    ing rapport so they know they have  career.
      CoNTaCT: Editorial Staff at 334-718-3509  including inserts and supplements, does not constitute   Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,                                                                                    maintain this edge, it takes real lead-  who will be influencing our Airmen?
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