Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, October 1, 2021
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6 October 1, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news October 1, 2021 7
Nellis’ 820th Red Horse Squadron joins Nellis hosts
Task Force-Holloman Faip Flag 2021
by Stuart Ibberson ideas from their respective
editor training bases and celebrate
the year’s accomplishments.
Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., FAIP Flag 2021 has the op-
hosted FAIP Flag Sept. 24-26, portunity to give FAIP’s a
2021. unique insight as Nellis hosts
An Airman with Task Force-Holloman deployed from the 820th Red Horse Squadron at Nellis Air About 100 aircraft from the famous Red Flag training
Force Base, Nev., clears an area of land for future construction as part of Operation Allies Welcome Laughlin AFB, Texas, Colum-
Sept. 16, 2021, on Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. exercise, where the Air Force
bus AFB, Miss., Vance AFB, tests itself in the most real-
Okla., and the Euro-NATO istic warfare scenarios it can
Jet Pilot Training at Sheppard simulate.
AFB, Texas, flew to Nellis to First Assignment Instructor
take part in the exercise, tak- Pilots, known as a “FAIP” in the
ing part in a flying competition pilot community, are instructor Air Force photograph
with T-1, T-6 and T-38 aircraft. pilots who, after completing First Assignment Instructor Pilots arrive at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., for FAIP Flag 2021.
Every year, First Assign- undergraduate pilot training,
ment Instructor Pilots gather are selected to go directly into pilot training class. It may not son, and usually a commander see it this way at the time, it re-
together to participate in pro- pilot instructor training. be a student’s first choice when recommendation, to fulfill the ally is an honor to be selected
fessional development op- It is not uncommon to see a it comes to preferences, but this important role of a FAIP. as a FAIP. FAIPS are selected
portunities, cross-collaborate few FAIPs selected from every assignment takes a special per- Though most students don’t from the top half of the class.
Army photographs by Spec. Nicholas Goodman
Airmen with Task Force-Holloman deployed from the 820th Red Horse Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base,
Nev., discuss their plan of action for future construction as part of Operation Allies Welcome Sept. 16, 2021,
Task Force-Holloman Airmen deployed from the 820th Red Horse on Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. The Department of Defense, through the U.S. Northern Command, and
Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., dug an open area in the in support of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security, is providing transportation,
ground for electrical cables to be placed for future constructs as part temporary housing, medical screening, and general support for at least 50,000 Afghan evacuees at Air Force photograph
of Operation Allies Welcome Sept. 16, 2021, on Holloman Air Force suitable facilities, in permanent or temporary structures, as quickly as possible. This initiative provides Several aircraft sit on the flightline at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., prior to FAIP Flag 2021.
Base, N.M. Afghan evacuees essential support at secure locations outside Afghanistan.
Air Force photograph by William Lewis
A T-6 Texan II from Vance
Air Force Base, Okla., lands
at Nellis AFB, Nev., for FAIP
Flag 2021.
LEFT: An T-38C Talon from
Laughlin Air Force Base,
Texas, lands at Nellis AFB,
Nev., for FAIP Flag 2021.
An Airman with Task Force-Holloman deployed from the 820th Red Horse Squadron at An Airman with Task Force-Holloman deployed from the 820th Red Horse Squadron Air Force photograph by William Lewis
Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., clears an area of land for future construction as part of Operation at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., clears an area of land for future construction as part of An T-1 Jayhawk from Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, lands at Nellis
Allies Welcome Sept. 16, 2021, on Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. Operation Allies Welcome Sept. 16, 2021, on Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. AFB, Nev., for FAIP Flag 2021. Air Force photograph by William Lewis