Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, October 1, 2021
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4   October 1, 2021                                                 news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                      news                                                       October 1, 2021    5                                                                                                                                                      

   Some service members to get temporary increase in housing allowance                                                                                              Have an extended, expired ID card? Now is the time to renew

      As house prices and rents increase                                                                           temporarily increased 2021 BAH rates.            by C. Todd Lopez                                                                Gloria Golden, mother of the late Air   “Their health care is managed by the
   nationwide, the Defense Department                                                                              In other cases, the 2022 BAH rates may           DOD News                                                                        Force Capt. Jonathan Golden, 39th   fact that they’re enrolled in DEERS, in
   has authorized temporary increases                                                                              be the same or may be less. BAH rate                                                                                             Airlift Squadron C-130J Super Hercules   the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Re-
   in the 2021 Basic Allowance for Hous-                                                                           protection, which normally protects                At the height of the COVID-19 pan-                                            pilot, gets her picture taken for her   porting System. That’s what determines
   ing rates in 56 areas across the United                                                                         members from decreases in housing                demic, when almost all military instal-                                         Defense Biometric Identification   their eligibility for health care. So if
   States.                                                                                                         market costs, does not apply to tempo-           lations were locked down, the Defense                                           System ID card at Dyess Air Force Base,   somebody’s ID card expires on Aug. 7,
      The increases are 10, 15 and 20 per-                                                                         rary rate increases.  Therefore, members         Department extended ID card expiration                                          Texas, July 18, 2019. Golden received   they don’t automatically lose their health
   cent, depending on the area, and will                                                                           should not assume these rate increases           dates electronically.                                                           the ID card as a part of the Gold Star   care because their card is expired.”
   run Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2021.                                                                                       will continue into 2022.                           Now, the department wants as many                                             Family Member program, which       An additional change is that while
      Service members in the Nellis Air                                                                               The Department is committed to the            as a half-million ID card holders to go                                         allows beneficiaries base access and   cards were previously issued to depen-
   Force Base, Nev., and Las Vegas, Nev.,                                                                          preservation of a compensation and               online now and make appointments to                                             other privileges on any Department   dents as young as 10 years old, going
   military  housing area will see a 10                                                                            benefit structure that provides members          renew their IDs — many of which are            Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Susan Roberts of Defense installation.  forward, cards will only be issued to
   percent increase in their BAH.                                                                                  with a suitable and secure standard of           past the expiration dates printed on them.                                                                       those dependents who are 14 or older.
      The increased BAH rates apply to ac-                                                                         living to sustain a trained, experienced,          Last year when it became apparent that  printed on them, and it’s time to go  dents whose ID cards expired after July   Wellock said the department is not
   tive duty and full-time National Guard                                                               Courtesy photo  and ready force now and in the future.      COVID-19 was going to dramatically  online and schedule an appointment to  31, 2021 — there is no extension.     planning any further extensions on the
   service members.                                                                                                The temporary BAH increase is a reflec-          affect the ability of individuals to con-  get those cards renewed, said Stephen   “You have no extension, your ID card  renewal of expired ID cards. He said
      Rental housing market data col-   moved quickly to assess market changes  formation on how to apply for the higher  tion of this commitment.                  gregate or wait in line at ID card offices,  Wellock with the Defense Manpower  is expired,” he said. “You need to get it  cardholders should begin scheduling
   lected by the Department of Defense  across the U.S., develop a list of the  rates with their Service.  Additionally,   The temporary BAH rates that will        the Defense Department electronically  Data Center.                        replaced, for both active duty, Guard and  appointments now to get their cards
   from March-August 2021 indicates  most affected markets, and evaluate and  each Service will publish information  be in effect Oct. 1 through Dec. 31,           extended the expiration dates for many   Right now, the previously extended  Reserve dependents, and for retirees. So,  renewed. Appointments can be made
   that the COVID-19 pandemic has had  implement potential solutions.         related to how to apply in administra-  2021, for active duty, and full-time          ID cards for several months to allow  ID cards for dependents of active duty  if a service member’s dependent is out  online to renew ID cards, he said, and

   a significant impact on rental housing   Service members who are receiving  tive messages and other media channels.  National Guard duty, members are            cardholders a greater amount of time to  service members, as well as Reserve  there, and their ID card expired on Sept.  cardholders don’t need to limit their
   costs in the 56 affected markets. No-  BAH in one of the affected 56 MHAs  These higher BAH rates will be replaced  located at https://www.defensetravel.        get those cards renewed.              and National Guard service members  7, they don’t have until October to get it  appointment to the card office they typi-
   tably, low availability and turnover of  and have verifiable housing cost increas-  by 2022 BAH rates on Jan. 1, 2022.             The extensions primarily benefited  and their dependents, can be used until  replaced; their ID card has expired, and  cally visit — there are many locations
   rental housing stock during the spring  es may be eligible for the temporary   Because not all segments of a hous-  crease_Rates_Changes_Only.pdf. They          the dependents of active-duty service  Oct. 31, 2021. The cards of retirees and  they need to make an appointment as  that can handle renewals, and many
   and summer months led to rental cost  BAH rate increase, subject to Service  ing market increase or decrease at the  are shown for members with and with-        members, Reserve and National Guard  their dependents can be used until Jan.  soon as possible.”                 provide a “walk-in” service capability.
   increases in many locations.         specific implementation guidelines and  same rate, the BAH rates for calendar  out dependents.                              service members and their dependents,  31, 2022.                              While some family members may have  The DOD ID card facilities are managed
      To help ease the financial burden  approval of individual applications.  year 2022 (effective as of the first of   For more information on the Basic          as well as retirees and their dependents.  But Wellock also said some might not  an expired ID card, Wellock said that just  and operated by the local installations,

   of rising housing costs facing Service  Members who may be eligible for the  January) may differ from the temporar-  Allowance for Housing, visit https://         Currently, there’s a backlog of more  have the time they think they have.   because an ID card expires doesn’t mean  so if service members are having diffi-
   members moving to new duty stations  higher BAH rates will receive an email  ily increased 2021 rates. In some cases,       than a half-million people who have ID   For those service members and their  health benefits expire. Those benefits are  culty making appointments, they should
   or signing new leases, the Department  in the coming days with additional in-  2022 BAH rates may be more than the  cfm.                                         cards that are past the expiration dates  dependents and retirees and their depen-  managed by a different system, he said.  inform their chain of command.

        St. Jude patient Brinley,
        blood cancer

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