Page 12 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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12 January 29, 2021 Aerotech News Aerotech News January 29, 2021 13
marines (from Page 5) battles of Saipan, Guam, and Black female Marine, An- Johnson was the first military installa-
Peleliu from 1943-1945. nie Graham in 1949, and tion named after a Black man.
Order 8802 in 1941, declaring “There shall Pvt. Kenneth Tibbs was the first Black avia- Alford McMichael became the first
be no discrimination in the employment the first Montford tor, Frank Petersen Black Sergeant Major of the Marine
of workers in defense industries and in Point Marine to give in 1950. Petersen Corps in 1999, serving in the role for
Government, because of race, creed, color, his life in combat would later become almost four years. Two years later,
or national origin.” In 1942, the Marines on June 15, 1944. the first Black Ma- Vernice Armour became the first Black
established Montford Point as the training By war’s end, 87 rine Corps Gen- female pilot in 2001, and two years after
ground for the first Black Marine recruits. Montford Point eral in 1979. On that, she became the first Black female
Alfred Masters was the first Marine to Marines were Christmas Eve combat pilot, after she flew with Ma-
swear in after the order, raising his right killed in action, of 1955, Edgar rine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron
hand one minute after midnight on June according to the Huff became the (HMLA) 169 in the invasion of Iraq.
1, 1942, according to his wife’s obituary. U.S. Marine Corps first Black Marine Marine Corps curriculum adapted to
Isabell Masters, Alfred’s wife, would later Museum. to earn the rank include the struggles, stories, and his-
run for President of the United States five Only 1,500 Mont- of sergeant major, tory of Montford Point Marines in 2011.
the U.S. Marine Corps
times, the most of any woman in history. ford Point Marines re- History Division notes. The following year, the Montford Point
Marines received a collective Congres-
Howard P. Perry soon joined Masters,
mained on active duty af-
Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Fleming later becoming the first Black recruit by ar- ter the war. The remainder ney Davis, Ralph Johnson, sional Gold Medal, adorned with images
James Anderson Jr., Rod-
riving at Montford Point on Aug. 26, 1942.
of the Marines and the phrase “For
of the 20,000 Marines trained
Perry and the recruits who followed him
Oscar Austin, and Robert Jenkins Jr.
formed into the 51st Composite Defense at Montford Point received discharge were the first five Black Marine Medal outstanding perseverance and courage
that inspired social change in the Ma-
Battalion. On Nov. 10, 1945, Frederick C. Branch of Honor recipients, receiving the Medals rine Corps.”
On 14 March 1943, eight Montford Point made history as the first Black commis- posthumously from 1967-1969. In April 2020, Gen. David Berger,
U.S. Army, 1986-2010 just that scary. But, unfortunately, that was the busi- Marines earned the title of drill sergeant. sioned officer in the Marine Corps Reserve. According to the Marine Corps History 38th commandant of the Marine Corps,
ness that we were in. Ramadi made me quit. Ramadi While these drill sergeants were permitted He is still honored today with a scholarship Division, Montford Point was renamed to banned the display of confederate flags
94B, Food Service Specialist
made me say, “OK, that’s enough.” After we came back, to lead all-Black platoons, Gen. Thomas in his name, awarded to individuals who Camp Gilbert H. Johnson in April 1974 in on all Marine Corps installations. “Only
Editor’s Note: This veteran’s story has been tran- I was put on assignment to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Holcomb, 17th commandant of the Marine are attending or are planning to attend honor of Sgt. Maj. Gilbert Johnson, one of as a unified force, free from discrimina-
scribed from his own words during an in-person inter- and in lieu of PCS (having over 20 years time in service) Corps, limited the rights given to enlisted historically Black colleges or universities. the first Black Marines and an alumnus of tion, racial inequality, and prejudice can
view. Only minor edits have been made for clarity. I declined the assignment and called it quits. At that leaders. He decreed that no Black noncom- In 1948, John Rudder, a prior-enlisted Montford Point. Johnson had served for six we fully demonstrate our core values,”
I started out in Germany in the 8th Infantry Division. time, I’d seen enough, and I don’t wish that on no one. missioned officer would outrank a white man, was commissioned as the first Black years in the Army and eight years in the Berger wrote in a public statement.
I rotated to the Presidio of San Francisco, California, For the Soldiers that all gave some, some gave all. You man in the same unit. active-duty commissioned officer. That Navy. Upon the issue of Executive Order Black Marines have had a significant
where I was with 864th Engineers and we deployed know, seeing the carnage, seeing the wreckage, seeing The 52nd Defense Battalion was formed same year, President Harry Truman is- 8802, Johnson transferred to the Marine role in the Marine Corps since 1776, and
to Desert Shield/Desert Storm. After we came back just the devastation of a civilization, of a people … as a sister unit to the 51st after an influx sued Executive Order 9981, establishing Corps, serving for 17 years. continue to be an integral part of the
in 1991, I deployed back to Germany where I was in I love people. I don’t care where you’re from, I don’t of recruits at Montford Point during World equality of treatment and opportunity in Johnson was one of only two Black Marine Corps today. The U.S. benefited
Schweinfurt, with 1-18 Infantry, from 1993 to 1999. care the color of your skin, you know? I’m from Detroit, War II. the military regardless of race. sergeants major to serve in World War greatly from the contributions and sacri-
So, while I was stationed in Schweinfurt, I deployed Michigan, from Highland Park, I’m proud to be from Black Marines first saw combat with the Black Marines reached many milestones II. The other was Sgt. Maj. Edgar Huff, fices of Black Marines and will continue
to Macedonia and Bosnia, during which time I served Highland Park, Michigan. But at some point, just like Ammunition and Depot Companies in the in the following years, including the first who was Johnson’s brother-in-law. Camp to be molded by them far into the future.
as a .50-cal gunner in Macedonia and also as a cook. right now — this time in America — we’re not worry-
Honestly, it was a real good time. I cherished my time ing about anyone else as opposed to America. We just
in the military. Yeah, I really loved it. have to get back to humanity. We have to start caring
After I left Schweinfurt, I went to Fort Riley, Kansas, for each other.
Big Red One. I was with the 1st Battalion, 34th Armored Believe it or not, twenty-four years in the military, I
Regiment “Centurions.” We were deployed during 9/11. was never stationed in the state of Texas. Never. I re-
I was actually in the desert when the planes flew into tired in Wiesbaden, Germany, and I got into the system.
the towers. I was in Kuwait on the border of Iraq. Dur- I went to work for the VA hospital in Temple, and that’s
ing 9/11, actually, it was a really scary time, because how I ended up in Texas. I don’t regret it; not one bit.
we were there — you know — peace-keeping. But when At that time, I did not know just how bad I was, and
they flew the planes into the towers, we went on the I have my wife and my kids to thank. Because a lot of
highest alert. Saddam Hussein started throwing Scud people, civilians do not actually know that all wounds
missiles at us. It was kind of stressful just knowing that are not visible. Man, you know, growing up, coming from
we could actually be in a war, and it was a moment in where I come from ... ended up joining the military, you courtesy photo
time where it really got serious. know, deploying multiple times. It was just crazy, it re-
My time at Fort Riley is when I switched gears. I don’t ally was. I mean, and I thank God that I didn’t actually mean, look, I can’t hold a candle to that. I don’t think
know if you know who Aubrey Red Newman is, but he have to fire my weapon, you know, but just to be in that that I’m anyone special, you know what I’m saying? In
was a distinguished leader and in my time at Fort Riley, environment. Get this, I was riding to work at the VA fact, I used to think that, “Man, you hadn’t done noth-
Kansas, I was the recipient of the Aubrey Red Newman hospital and we were riding together in a ride-sharing ing.” It’s just been lately I’ve been, you know, trying to
Award for being a leader. It just personifies who you are group. And I had an episode where it’s like I was in a turn a corner, because, knowing Soldiers who died on the
in terms of leading Soldiers and I loved it. can, and it was just crushing pressure. I literally almost battlefield that you personally knew. You know, today a
A stressful time was my last tour when I was in jumped out the window. And you know what, after that, Soldier died. That hurt me personally. You know, when I
Giessen, Germany, with 2-3 Field Artillery, after com- I stopped the ride group, and shortly after, I quit work- went to work at the VA hospital, I thought I was doing
ing off the trail as a drill sergeant from 2002 to 2005. ing at the VA hospital. That was personal to me. That something good (which I know I was) but I was dealing
I went back to Giessen and there we deployed to Iraq. was one of those episodes that, you know, flying into with my own internal issues. And I’m telling you right
At first we were up north in Mosul — Tal Afar, Sinjar, combat, not knowing, that’s our job, you know? I did to this day, I could be doing something, somewhere, and
Erbil — at which time I was the S-4 (Supply) NCOIC my job. I went where I was told to go. And I did what I a trigger! I got to call my wife — she’s the only person
(noncommissioned officer in charge). As a 92G, in com- was told to do. I don’t have any regrets. who can calm me down. So, you know, for Soldiers out
bat I was responsible for the food service section — not You know, my wife and I, we’ve been together 30-some there, you know, we lose 22 Soldiers a day. Too many. A
only that, but the logistics part of it. I was a pay agent years. We have six kids. I’ve been truly blessed. God is lot of people don’t understand, you know, “Why? Aw, he’s
and I would fly into combat, pick up funds and disperse so good. He’s been so good to me, he’s been so good to my weak, he’s no good.” No! You can’t imagine — we can
them to citizens in Iraq. family. You know, I do this* as a form of therapy. We’re do the exact same thing but it affects you differently
Then, we went south to Ramadi. During 2006 and on Fort Hood daily, you know, Monday through Friday. than it affects me. I can be good, where you’re bad, or
2007, Ramadi was the worst place on the planet. It was This is my way of giving back to the Soldiers that I love vice versa. So this is my way of just mellowing out, you
like there was no humanity — it was just carnage. The so much. In fact, I had a two star general and a one know, biding my time and trying to give back, trying to
Marines at that time, they were sustaining heavy casu- star general come eat from our trailer just the other be good, trying to say, you know, through it all, I’d do it
alties; it was like an angel flight every day. It made me day and we actually had an interaction where General again. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t change anything.
realize just how precious life is. It also made me say to Hamilton said “Thank you,” and you know, that made One of the best times in my life was when I was a drill
myself, “How can one man do this to another man?” And my day. You know what I’m saying? I say “Thank you” sergeant. I learned so much about myself, dealing with
it changed in the sense that, I was scared, you know? to every Soldier that comes to this trailer, but more so, the Soldier, talking to the Soldier, because I always
True story … I was talking to my wife, we’re on the it’s saying “Thank you for your service. Thank you for try to connect to that individual. Listen ... As a former
computer, and a rocket had hit our barracks. And I be- what you do.” Because a lot of people, they really don’t Soldier, I will always be a Soldier.
lieve that if it hadn’t been for the T-walls, I don’t know if understand, man. And there’s so many guys out there, * Tim and Andy Fleming run the Checkpoint Germany
I’d be standing here right now and talking to you. It was that have done just so much more than I’ve done, I food truck in the community around Killeen, Texas.