Page 11 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 11

10  January 29, 2021  Aerotech News
 ahameD                  (from Page 6)  dire situations and most of all she showed   and the people around you with positivity.”  airfielD     (from Page 3)
 me what legacy meant. My mother would   Sheriff continues his mother’s impact by
 proudly because it symbolizes all the sup-  always show me that your legacy doesn’t   mentoring Sailors, striving to be a leader   created Air Force and was tapped
 port that I was given during the long tough   mean anything if it doesn’t positively af-  and role model for others in the African-   by President Harry S. Truman to
 days away from family and friends, all   fect others.”  American community so diversity can keep   help draft the service’s desegre-
 the mentoring that people took the time   During a PMRF diversity committee event   moving forward.  gation plan.
 to provide for me, all the knowledge and   to honor Black History Month, Sheriff, a   “To me, honoring the past, securing   Davis’ life served as an ex-
 experiences that I poured into Sailors, and   guest speaker, told the audience that dur-  the future means that we can’t afford to   ample of the power of persever-
 a visual reminder for me of how proud my   ing his mother’s funeral service, he learned   go backwards,” said Sheriff. “We have to   ance, courage, character and
 mother was of me, even though she never   the true meaning of legacy. Sheriff and his   build on the things that our brave men   extraordinary  competence, Air
 had the opportunity to see me in my khakis   siblings arrived at the service expecting only   and women fought and died for. We have   Force Chief of Staff Gen. David
 because she unexpectedly died a month   family to attend but were amazed by the   to vote! We have to continue to fight for   L. Goldfein said at the naming
 before the results came out.”  amount of people from the community who   racial equality. We must continue to knock   ceremony.
 Sheriff’s mother was an important role   showed up. It was at this event where they   down walls and press forward. I apply this   “Some have had to bear a
 model for him, and had a large impact on   realized the impact of their mother’s legacy.   to both the way that I lead and how I live   heavier burden than others to
 the man he is today.  Marjorie Sheriff worked for the school dis-  my own life. I try to be the example that I   teach us all what right looks
 “I know it sounds cliché, but my mother   trict and often was the first friendly face   talk about. Be the one out there trying to   like,” Goldfein said. “Today, we
 was truly the most influential person in   people would see every day.  make a difference for our future. Whether   celebrate one of these men.”
 my life,” said Sheriff. “She showed me how   “That is when I learned that legacy isn’t   it’s through volunteering, financially sup-  Davis’ great-nephew, Douglas
 to love, to be proud of who and what I am.   your family name,” said Sheriff.  “Your   porting different businesses or just doing   Melville, said he would always
 She taught me how to persevere in the most   legacy is when you affect your community   more than just simply talking.”  stress the importance of mak-
 ing the world a better place. “He
 would always say, ‘Doug if you
 can only stand tall by requiring
 someone to sit on their knees, you
 are the problem.’”
 Davis died July 4, 2002, at 89
 and is buried with his wife, Ag-
 atha, in Arlington National Cem-
 etery in Arlington, Virginia. In
 2017, the U.S. Military Academy
 named a barracks after Davis.
 The  academy’s Airmanship
 Programs — soaring, parachut-
 ing and powered flight — operate
 out of the airfield, which opened
 in 1974.
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